Prepare for US exodus, warn landlords
The country's largest landlord group warns New Zealand to prepare for a post-US-election exodus.
The country's largest landlord group warns New Zealand to prepare for a post-US-election exodus.
COMMENT: Associate Professor Grant Duncan believes it's time to put state housing back on the agenda.
A disgraced real estate agent has been convicted for depositing client money into her own account then withdrawing thousands for personal use.
COMMENT: Research shows older New Zealander renters have poorer quality of life and poorer mental health.
American golfers visiting luxury Tara Iti club have been enquiring about moving permanently to New Zealand.
New Zealand real estate site had a spike in Americans looking at property here in the days leading to the US election.
With the average Auckland house is valued at over $1 million Kiwis are beginning to feel dejected, a new ASB survey reveals.
Tauranga couple facing a $30,000 bill after their rental property was trashed hit with news their house tested positive for meth.
Average house prices in Whangarei have increased by nearly $11,000 in a month.
The mortgagee of an apartment development has seized 50 almost-finished units after the business behind the project hit "financial difficulty".
A confidential settlement has been reached in NZ's biggest defective building court claim where owners were suing for $40 million.
The Government will buy up to three more motels and construct modular housing as part of a new $300 million investment in emergency housing.
A sixth house on The Block NZ's season five site is on the market.
The Government has announced a major policy on emergency housing this afternoon.
Almost two-thirds of Aucklanders who don't own their own homes plan to buy their first homes outside the city.
An apartment buyer is being asked for an extra $50,000 for his place at New Zealand's biggest new multi-unit apartment project.
House values in this area have risen almost 50 per cent in the past year.
A disgraced real estate agent who was earning over $1 million a year in commission will now have to find a new profession after being stripped of his licence.
A global index of the world's best place to live put Aotearoa at the top.
Rental property data reveals Auckland's rental supply is barely keeping up with demand.
Parents can be misled by the school decile system, says a new website.
An Auckland home compulsorily acquired by taxpayers under the Public Works Act was sold back to the original owners, then 'flipped' twice for an additional $475k.
The Auckland property market is losing its momentum, says one of the country's largest real estate agencies.
The price for this six-bedroom, award-winning Australian home has been halved... and still no one wants it. Now it's up for auction, with no reserve.
A Bethlehem home with a $1 reserve fetched $700,000 in the country's first online auction. Yesterday evening was "groundbreaking"
The A$96 will get you one brick in a two-bedroom flat in Ramsgate Avenue, along with up to 9,999 others.
Financial publisher Bloomberg says the mega wealthy of the world have found refuge from terror threats and political uncertainty in New Zealand.
If you win tonight's $34 million Lotto draw you could become one of the country's biggest property magnates.
One crafty female from China has performed the ultimate hustle to raise funds for a home deposit.