How to make millions by the age of 30
These young people have made it big by investing in property - and they have some advice for their fellow millennials.
These young people have made it big by investing in property - and they have some advice for their fellow millennials.
Nearly 100 Auckland suburbs have a median value of more than $1 million, new data shows.
Foreigners' appetite for NZ land rose 442 per cent in the first 10 months of this year compared to the same time last year, official data shows.
Mortgage brokers have joined the call for the government to decline the Reserve Bank's request to introduce debt-to-income limits for mortgage lending.
This town's residential values hit a new $1 million average.
A Chinese company is planning to build more than 1000 new apartments beside the Southern Motorway in Manukau, some places aimed at first home buyers.
The Reserve Bank has asked the Government for powers to limit mortgage lending to people who do not earn enough,
Housing Minister Nick Smith told the Property Council's residential summit curbing immigration isn't an option to ease Auckland's housing problem.
If you're after a bit of property porn, feast your eyes on Australia's most lavish dream homes.
Mana Lodge, the homestead where Sir Paul and Lady Deborah Holmes lived, has sold to a New Zealand buyer.
An affordable housing project set to provide 240 houses on Papamoa settlement land has been officially launched.
The number of million-dollar homes sold in the region this year has reached an all-time high.
Owners of a big Browns Bay apartment block meet today to discuss their $14.5 million projected repair bill.
A 42ha greenfields site north of Auckland is planned to be developed into a 570-residence housing estate.
Hundreds of properties in Kaikoura and the Hurunui District are still awaiting their fate as inspectors in the rattled districts steadily work through almost 5000 structural evaluations - with choppers being used to get them into the most isolated areas.
An Auckland housing developer has complained how new banking lending restrictions are further restricting supply.
The couple who bought a luxurious Mount Maunganui property for $5.7 million paid Tauranga's top residential sale for 2016.
The Government has scooped up leftover land from an Auckland roading project where it intends to build 60 new apartments.
The city's real estate market has finally turned and properties usually bought by investors are going for up to 30 per cent less, experts say.
Almost all of New Zealand has had a "hotspot" feeling to it this year, but one part of Auckland is about to boom with 254 per cent growth.
Watch NZH Focus: Up to 75 per cent of Auckland properties going under the hammer are failing to sell.
First there was food porn and now there is real estate porn. Who doesn't love perving on online property listings?
One of Queenstown's biggest developers has called time on plans for a retirement village.
COMMENT: The latest OECD data show that the ratio of housing cost to household incomes in NZ increased just 3.4 per cent over the last six years.
A house in Spain has been crowned as the world's best house after it won House of the Year at 2016's World Architecture Festival.
Super-investor Ron Hoy Fong discloses how his students get into property by using their parents' house and help.
The listed property investor increased first-half earnings 22 per cent as it benefited from the rising value of its portfolio.
Rents in New Zealand's two most populous cities increased last month despite remaining largely unchanged elsewhere.
The waterfront farm combines beef and sheep with honey and tourism.
Asbestos contamination and a highly unstable building have destroyed any chance of personal belongings being saved from 61 Molesworth St in Wellington.