Landlord fined $16k over garage rental
An Auckland landlord illegally rented out a converted garage to a young family.
An Auckland landlord illegally rented out a converted garage to a young family.
Weekly rent for a typical New Zealand home has reached $500, up more than 30 per cent in the last five years.
Young professionals are struggling to find rentals in the Hawke's Bay.
PwC says it's under the gun for up to $1 billion after two failed attempts to stop a lawsuit
The Fed's quarter-point rate hike this morning was neutral for New Zealand borrowers.
The growth plan means $50 million will be spent on villages at Pt Chevalier, Papakura and Cambridge.
General Finance is seeking summary judgment against Terry Serepisos's mother over a $275k debt.
Finding two- or three-bedroom Auckland properties will cost you more.
Prospective buyers are told they could get more than 50 new residences in the popular suburb of Waterview.
Cliff stabilisation work has started above Herne Bay's Sentinel Beach.
An iwi-led partnership is building a 49 home development at Whenuapai.
A Northland woman selling a small lifestyle block says Kiwis "think this is too much work" to take on the property.
The country's biggest real estate agency chain has released data on Auckland property in February.
Most Kiwis are expecting property prices to continue their skyward climb.
Demand for these low-price Auckland apartments is so high that potential buyers will go into a draw.
A New Lynn retail building has been closed while safety checks are being undertaken after the weekend's floods.
Bay of Plenty and Waikato house prices continue to rise and sales volumes doubled.
Auckland for-sale inventory rose 20 per cent in the last year and was up 33 per cent in the last month alone.
Former America's Cup yachtsman Chris Dickson's property could fetch $10m.
Work is about to begin on a 178m, 57-level apartment tower that will "transform" Auckland's skyline.
Agency becoming more proactive in trying to root out cases of house flipping.
Walls and floors caked with dirt have led to Auckland Council serving health notices on the owner of a boarding house described as a "slum".
Watch and listen: Grey Lynn apartment balcony railings sound like unpleasant pan pipes. 'You get to screaming point,' says one neighbour.
Watchdog uses technology to look into rapid re-sales as they happen.
Prime Property Group's director has admitted allowing residential tenants in empty office blocks.
Airbnb, the popular app for travelers, is exploring long-term rentals.
The cost of fighting the planned Devonport development is estimated to cost $75,000.
Want to know what it's like inside one of New Zealand's most lavish residences?
An Australian-headquartered business is buying New Zealand's second-biggest builder, ending a long association with the wealthy Auckland-based
Call for an overhaul of the Real Estate Agents Act.