Bungalow is back to life
This 1910 bungalow has been restored and now oozes considerable charm.
This 1910 bungalow has been restored and now oozes considerable charm.
Couple tell Louise Richardson of a neighbourhood with Kiwi togetherness.
How long would you wait for your property to sell?
A National spokesman has attacked KiwiBuild plans.
Aussie media has speculated SkyCity is nearing a deal with Taiwan's Pau Jar Group.
Cost of running AirBnB properties bigger than council figures indicate, providers say.
Building industry chief weighs in on what's gone wrong in the building industry.
An Auckland homeowner has endured having his home flooded 27 times.
The outlook over the bush to Lion Rock and views of the ocean were an immediate drawcard.
A family say Vector has wiped $150k from their home's value with a "hideous" transformer.
Tranquil setting offers dazzling natural delights — native bush and sea views.
House design allows calming outlooks as you move from room to room.
Lovingly restored home brought a wonderful place to live and a treasured friendship.
Starting life as a villa, this home was updated and has been in the same family since.
The group bribed "inside contacts" at BNZ and ANZ to orchestrate their fraud.
The tenants caused enormous damage to the house through their drug use and manufacturing.
Who do you think is to blame for this Auckland flooding: the homeowner, the council or the neighbour? / Supplied
The best and worst of times have arrived together for NZ's construction industry.
There are now nearly 9000 people around NZ waiting for a state house.
Agent Graham Wall on what it is about New Zealand that turns the top end of the market on.
Agent Graham Wall on what the super-rich look for in a house.
It's not your typical property - but Graham Wall's choice is surprising.
Apartment buyers have been left frustrated by the receivership of Ebert.
Just nine landlords have been penalised by a new agency despite 900 complaints.
Ebert Construction in receivership and wages are being paid day-to-day.