Government’s $3b landlord tax cut would be retrospective, trigger refunds
The IRD says the new Government's tax cuts could be applied retrospectively.
The IRD says the new Government's tax cuts could be applied retrospectively.
Dividend cut: Million-plus KiwiSaver investors indirectly affected.
Aucklanders likely to need staggering income to buy average-priced house.
A real estate agent has surprised people by charging move-in costs for a car park.
'A truth that nobody is willing to talk about or don’t have the guts to deal with.'
Seven-level block with 60 car parks advertised 'as is': apartment owners try to exit.
Stratford on Stage has been operating out of The Castle for over three decades.
Sixth site for business specialising in building apartments to be rented in perpetuity.
Just 80% of consents result in construction now, down from 95% previously: one estimate.
The cost of living is outpacing inflation - up 7 per cent. But there is good news.
Immigration NZ urging overstayer tenants to make contact to look for best way forward.
'The company hasn't made a sale for 12 months' - Garry Shuttleworth.
A state housing agency boss says Kāinga Ora has heard nothing from the lobby group.
Investigation findings on the state housing agency will be reported to ministers in March.
Financial Times: MPs to vote on empowering local govt to set quotas on short-term rentals.
The council was told the tenants will be moved from the property over the next fortnight.
Two $1m races, one $1.5m race to be run tomorrow night: upgrade showcases years of work.
Renter advocates say bad landlords should face disciplinary action.
'War on landlords' set to be reversed with law reform. But precisely when, landlords ask.
House for rent gets 2224 clicks and is pulled from online site in days.
Total arrears have risen by 800 per cent since 2019 to $21 million.
The 90210 actor exposed his former flatmate turned A-lister in a recent interview.
When a visit was made, the tenant's relative had been living in the house rent-free.
But as some rise, why are others struggling to get off the ground?
"Relationship breakdown" cited by the liquidator as the reason for the companies folding.
About 500 piles have now been driven 40-50m deep across the site, an executive says.
In 2014, 10,500 new homes were planned.
'Irresponsible' said Simeon Brown of the rail business buying so close to the election.
'One of a number of properties in Oranga that will be demolished under a single contract.'
The bank put places up for mortgagee sale via JLL last year, a sign of repayment distress.