Political Roundup: Will the rental tax cut improve life for renters or landlords?
OPINION: 'Of course, many MPs are landlords and will benefit from these new tax cuts.'
OPINION: 'Of course, many MPs are landlords and will benefit from these new tax cuts.'
Māori Party says wealthy tax breaks will be gone by 2026
'I think as a country we don’t celebrate things enough,' says Christopher Luxon.
Many townhouses are equipped with only one heat pump for the multi-level house.
OPINION: The government recently announced a “shake-up” of rentals, but it won't help.
In the second of his new mid-week columns, Liam Dann answers reader questions.
OPINION: The problem isn't what the PM says, but how he says it.
“We’ve phased it and delivered it in a slightly different way," PM said.
Retired skipper takes flattie search public after reports of elderly housing crisis.
National’s pre-election fiscal and tax plans costed the policy at $2.1b.
Allan Young says he's very comfortable with the contractual obligations.
Meet renters expecting to be tenants for life, and those who still dream of homeownership.
The interest limitation rule is set to start being phased out during the next tax year.
OPINION: Maybe Luxon has been rich for too long. That is not a criticism.
Density standards include allowing three homes on a site and houses up to 11m high.
OPINION: Credit and mortgage distress is rising fast as interest rates bite.
Rental bonds were lodged for 410,904 properties by November 1, Tenancy Services said.
Sale numbers plummet, new listings skyrocket: not a market in recovery at all.
Companies should seek legal advice about issues it had raised, Commerce Commission said.
Wood, insulation and carpet price rises are limited or capped to de-risk building jobs.
CEO Scott Scoullar: 'We withstood challenges and continued to grow.'
OPINION: & cynical corporates: 'Reminds me of plastic tikis being sold in souvenir shops.'
The derelict Dunedin property was gutted by fire on October 27 last year.
Where are the most affordable islands to live in luxury?
From apartment hell to apartment opening: The Ridge and The Greenhouse span the spectrum.
Market conditions, the phasing of new main buildings take a toll on the business.
The advertisement says the bedmate is 'clean' and 'always busy with work'.
OPINION: "NZ will have to learn to make sacrifices and save."
Mayor praised Ockham Residential's apartment buildings as "architecturally fantastic!"