Latest fromRental Property

Budget 2010: No tax depreciation on commercial, rental property
Owners of both commercial buildings and rental houses will no longer be able to claim depreciation on their investments.

Fake landlords trick renters in flat fraud
Auckland police are asking for help from the public to identify a man allegedly involved in a property fraud ring.

NZ investors' love affair with property fades
NZ investors are not as keen on property, says a new report, with managed funds and KiwiSaver growing in popularity.

RWC rental alert - tell your insurer first
Homeowners looking to rent their properties out for the Rugby World Cup have been warned to let their insurance company know - or risk being hit with the bill if damage is done.

Dunne tips property tax change, lower personal tax
Revenue Minister Peter Dunne has tipped a new property investment tax and lower personal taxes in this year's Budget.

Landlords taking money we need - exporter
Critics say our obsession with property is draining money away from real businesses, which create jobs and make New Zealand richer.

Rents will go up if tax rules changed - investors
Property investors have warned that rents could go up by $34 a week if the Govt scraps landlords' depreciation claims on housing, but the Government says they are wrong.

Future looking up for high-rises
Inner-city apartments can be a great investment if you do your homework.

'It's not fair' - the landlady hits back
Pat Baker, a $10 million landlady and grandmother, is bristling about being blamed for wrecking the economy.

Property listings surge, sales stall
The number of new properties on the market surged in February but with buyers "cagey", the number of unsold houses has ballooned.