Chinese sleepouts 'cheaper than renting'
Sleepouts built in China are due to arrive in New Zealand in containers in the next two months.
Sleepouts built in China are due to arrive in New Zealand in containers in the next two months.
Thousands of tenants are picking up the tab for water bills that should be paid by their landlords.
New landlord Vicky Crawford has been inadvertently passing on the full Watercare Services bill to her tenants - unaware a portion of it was hers to pay.
Residential rents could rise and historic buildings might be abandoned, say property chiefs who have mixed feelings about real estate changes in the Budget.
The head of Auckland's main landlord group says TV2's Sunday night Renters reflects reality.
A tenant advocate is appalled at TV reality programme Renters, which has featured machete-wielders, rent absconders, hoarders and neighbourhood nuisances.
Auckland renters tired of facing crowds competing for the best properties have a new option for securing their dream home - pay top dollar by tender and it's yours.
Editorial: A contributor to our website today suggests an interesting way to make houses more affordable for young people seeking their first homes.
Boutique commercial office space in the South Auckland building that was the childhood home of former Prime Minister David Lange is up for sale.
Landlords increased weekly rents for homes of every size in all but two of Auckland's 30 suburbs, a four-year comparison shows.
Auckland rents are outstripping wages and rising faster than inflation, a four-year comparison shows.
Renters could be in luck, as a turnaround in the market has seen a flood of listings and brought prices to a standstill.
Christchurch landlords are cashing in on the earthquakes by putting up rents by as much as $250 a week - even for rundown bungalows.
The number of mortgagee sales in the first half of this year is close to figures last seen in the recession in 2009.
The Prime Minister has been asked to investigate one of his MPs after Mt Wellington tenant Joshua Tuitupou claimed National MP Jian Yang told him he had to get a Community Services Card before the MP would get the home insulated.