Herald on Sunday editorial: Sickening state of our rental properties
Editorial: As winter's cold and damp begins to bite, Auckland's renters have far more reason than most to feel disgruntled.
Editorial: As winter's cold and damp begins to bite, Auckland's renters have far more reason than most to feel disgruntled.
Sexual discrimination, illegal fees, tenants turfed out and filthy, expensive homes - Joanna Mathers finds life has never been harder for renters.
Brian Tamaki has sold his Maraetai mansion and moved into a rental across the road - and his new landlord is MP Judith 'Crusher' Collins.
Salvation Army warn that people at the bottom of the market face not only a shortage of property but rents moving out of their reach.
Prime Minister John Key all but conceded that pressure from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand for action on house prices was a catalyst for recent announcements.
The IRD has released a summary of commonly made mistakes by non-professional property investors.
Investor association slams Reserve Bank’s bid to rein in Auckland house prices, saying it will push up rents and ruin first home buyers' chances.
New lending rules targeting Auckland residential property investors will cool the market - but the city's "gravitational pull" will counter any impact, John Key says.
A real estate agent rented a house to a colleague at a discounted rate and paid the difference so he could use its garage for storage - without the owners' knowledge.
Tenants feel heat as population growth creates shortage of rental properties.
About 1400 private bach owners on the Coromandel face being stung with a new council charge if their properties are rented out as short-term holiday accommodation.
Landlords have hit back at Reserve Bank consultation on their sector, threatening to punish tenants by hiking rents if a tougher lending regime is ushered in.
Soaring house prices and tighter lending rules mean ever-increasing numbers of New Zealanders are becoming long-term renters.
National rents have risen 9 per cent in the past 12 months, the biggest increase recorded in five years and "grim news for tenants".
Behaviour associated with an inner city Dunedin flat has upset a nearby business owner, who claims racial and sexual taunts have been hurled at her from drunken revellers.
Renters can strike a bargain when moving into a vacant property but they won't avoid rental price increases, a property expert says.
Auckland Council has undertaken a review of guidelines for methamphetamine-contaminated properties and developed tough new proposals to be implemented next month.
A new study has found that two-thirds of children in private rental housing in Auckland and the Waikato move house within their first two years.
As a society, how did we allow residential property to become just another investment asset class?
Landlords with properties in Otara, Mangere, Glen Innes and Mangere Bridge are reaping Auckland's highest returns.
Fire Service bosses are seeking law changes making it compulsory for rental properties to have smoke alarms installed and maintained.
The Government today launched a new service to speed up the settlement of rental disputes between tenants and landlords.
The Government is facing growing calls to improve the lot of renters as increasing numbers of NZers are locked out of home ownership.
A coastal Northland property purchased for just $9000 in 1974 is commanding a price tag around $1.6 million.
The lawyer of woman who defended Cornwall Park Trust Board’s $170k lawsuit over back rent suspects her opponents may appeal.