Govt unveils plans for 508 units
Pensioners, disabled people and low-income families will benefit from a surprise Government decision to fund 508 social housing units in Auckland.
Pensioners, disabled people and low-income families will benefit from a surprise Government decision to fund 508 social housing units in Auckland.
The Government has agreed to fund an extra 508 social housing units in Auckland in a surprise boost to previously announced policies.
Auckland's property market showed signs of slowing last month, with a 7.7 per cent fall in sales and new listings dropping by a similar amount.
Three options have emerged as the property management sector discusses how to set standards and ethics for the powerful but unregulated managers.
Auckland's biggest real estate agency says median house prices dropped 1.3 per cent last month and its chief also acknowledged auction clearance rates had "slowed".
Mt Albert residents are questioning the speed of Housing New Zealand's plans for its Asquith Ave site.
As the long weekend approaches, our thoughts turn to having a break away from work - but many of us will carry on with the job while we're away.
Auckland residential rents have risen by an average of $2000 over the last year - a 9 per cent hike.
Social service agencies are setting up an "ethical" property management company for landlords with a conscience.
Landlords back Auckland investor who has 37 properties and says tenants take advantage of him.
Heather du Plessis-Allan writes that the government is unlikely to do something about dodgy landlords.
Auckland property market rebounds, with average prices jumping from $821,079 in August to $836,275 last month.
Moves to take the heat out of the Auckland housing market appear to be having an effect.
Falling interest rates and static prices is making Auckland housing more affordable, say Massey University lecturers.
Evidence of a cooling in the Auckland property market is growing - but there's plenty of reasons to think there may be life left in the boom yet.
Auction clearance rates have dropped and attendance rates are down as soaring prices flatten out.
After years of increases, New Zealand rents stalled last month, says Trade Me Property.
Greenlane renter Matt Cotton estimates he has sunk more than $100,000 in rent on his four-bedroom house since moving in four years ago.
After millenials, US baby boomers will be the next wave driving apartment demand and pushing up rents.
It turns out everything you've heard about Auckland's property market is true. But it's not just buying a house that's hard. It's renting, too.
Auckland needs to squeeze in and up and move to having more suburban units and apartments to meet buyers' growing financial constraints and limitations.
Tenants' rights groups have welcomed plans to insulate all rental properties, but nearly 100,000 would be exempt where it was impossible to retro-fit insulation.
More than three-quarters of Auckland landlords intend to hike rents in response to hefty rates increases announced by Auckland Council.
Auckland Council's 1400 pensioner homes look set to pass to a new community-controlled entity to be redeveloped into more intensive housing, partly for sale to private buyers.
Nearly 6000 new apartments are set to be built across Auckland over the next three years, with most planned for suburban and city fringe areas, new research reveals.
Anger is building about the poor condition of rental properties in New Zealand writes Dr Bryce Edwards.
An Auckland takeaway owner has been landed with a $110,000 rent hike demand.
Landlords say they're being left thousands of dollars out of pocket by errant tenants, forcing up rents for law-abiding Kiwis.