Power list: 20 busiest residential builders - who's up, who's down?
Most businesses built fewer homes, yet modular builder HouseMe's completions skyrocketed.
Most businesses built fewer homes, yet modular builder HouseMe's completions skyrocketed.
'There is not a desire for more red tape with the current Government.' - Joanna Pidgeon
One organisation dished out $136,000 of food parcels in a year.
Rising immigration and more students cited as driving factors.
'It will take us five years, hoping to be the most visited destination in Queenstown.'
'Good outcome' as no owners forced to leave the tower, after being on notice last week.
Tour bookings are now being offered, but the first residents won't move in until May.
Retirement village giant now searching for a new group chief executive.
OPINION: 'The winners of the 2023 election were the lobbyists and their clients.'
EDITORIAL: New policy might help some, but doesn't address issues faced by most renters.
Deposits taken on the first stage or 180 units amount to around $100m of sales.
Around $2.5b of infrastructure is estimated to be needed to enable plans to proceed.
It hopes to encourage more rentals. Officials are unsure if tenants will benefit.
Edgecumbe House did not comply with healthy homes rules and a range of other regulations.
Louise Upston says there's 'merit' in considering current settings for the supplements.
OPINION: Housing supply is not just about owning homes.
There are concerns about the plans blocking viewshafts to sacred mountains.
A long-term landlord says bad management is behind tenants getting so far behind in rent.
OPINION: Next time, stick to Auckland for sailing events.
New directions, new ways of looking at property: How Centuria NZ is handling the downturn.
Herald analysis shows boomers have been hit hardest by the cost of living crisis.
Auckland Mayor Wayne Brown's been pushing for an extension, now Chris Bishop's granted it.
A public meeting has been called by the local business association.
No room for gloom: Mr Quick's $500m scheme, Winton's $750m plans, plaudits for Brealey.
One man said Kāinga Ora has let them get away with it for so long, nothing will change.
It's intended there will be consequences for tenants who regularly show poor behaviour.
Opinion: It’s no coincidence - the rise in gang numbers alongside the housing crisis.
The change flies in the face of the Government's commitment to improving productivity.
A rent increase of $20+ a week is back on the cards.
Nicola Willis was answering questions after a lunch at the Auckland Business Chamber.