NZ's biggest leaky building case begins
The action brought by the body corporate of apartment building Victopia estimates repair costs could cost $40 million.
The action brought by the body corporate of apartment building Victopia estimates repair costs could cost $40 million.
The Flo Apartments project in Avondale has been called off, and one first-home buyer has been left devastated.
An Auckland house with a $2.2 million price tag is being marketed as 'affordable Remuera' but a valuer questioned that.
WATCH: Virtual reality tour created of yet-to-be-built Auckland penthouse apartment.
Auckland's biggest real estate agency says sales activity was subdued last month and spring failed to spark activity.
House listing have risen in Auckland and the run could last until Christmas.
Wellington house values rose 21 per cent in the last year, outstripping Auckland's 15 per cent, but Queenstown values are rising fastest.
New Zealand's longest leaky building trial - and potentially most costliest - is due to start this month.
Couples earning $1582.57 per week after tax are struggling to buy an Auckland house.
Auckland property prices are rising rapidly but rents are heading in the opposite direction, unlike other parts of New Zealand.
Some of the features include imported Italian kitchens, a 170sq m heated outdoor pool and a podium deck sprawling across a third of a hectare.
A landlord is appealing a ruling that stated the woman living in his rental property did not have to pay to replace carpets that her dog urinated and defecated on.
David Russ says it "beggars belief" he has to foot the bill for damage caused to his property by renter Amanda Stewart and her pet.
More than a third of people overseas who own NZ properties are escaping the tax net, an Opposition MP says.
The case was brought by a group of owners of an upmarket Bay of Islands apartment block suffering weathertightness issues.
Latest sales figures from the Real Estate Institute show a national median house price rose 5.8 per cent annually.
A shakeup of the laws New Zealand's $40 billion apartment sector is imminent.
An apartment property management group has raised a number of concerns about the rise of Airbnb in New Zealand.
Labour has renewed calls to ban foreigners buying New Zealand houses.
A lawyer says foreigners buy 29 per cent of New Zealand properties, not 3 per cent as reported in official state data.
The number of home loans and amount being borrowed has dipped ahead of further lending restrictions, but one mortgage broker says
Advertisements are being placed at supermarkets by people wanting to live in cars seeking "driveway and shower" arrangements.
An Auckland man has gone to unprecedented lengths to try and break into the city's notorious housing market - by selling a high five.
Porirua Mayor Nick Leggett says Labour leader Andrew Little's plan to upgrade all rental properties has some large gaps.
COMMENT: There's been a lot discussed about all the problems P smoking brings, but what about the real cost to the owners of these properties?
COMMENT: One clear advantage of selling is that you can dial down the risk level.
Labour Housing Spokesman Phil Twyford says removing negative gearing is needed to squeeze property speculators out of the housing market.
Overseas residents bought 1749 out of the 57,678 homes sold in New Zealand between April and June, newly-released data shows.
Tenancy Tribunal hears all kinds of horror stories - including Featherston rental cat-astrophe.