Sponsors pay basics for 3400 Kiwi kids
More than 2800 needy children are already being sponsored by the charity Variety's Kiwi Kids scheme, launched in 2013, and a further 600 are on its waiting list.
More than 2800 needy children are already being sponsored by the charity Variety's Kiwi Kids scheme, launched in 2013, and a further 600 are on its waiting list.
Chinese migrant, Auckland landlord and ex-video game addict Gary Lin started out with a $200,000 wedding gift from his father in late 2009.
The number of houses for sale around the country has fallen sharply except in Auckland, where listings jumped 17 per cent year-on-year.
New Zealand's tourism boom means it can be lucrative to rent out property but owners need to do their homework or could get stung.
Ryman Healthcare's new Devonport retirement village is too tall, too bulky and will be a visual wall of buildings, opponents say.
WATCH: Ever wondered what it's like to live like a millionaire at one of Auckland's country estates.
Community action group vows to take retirement giant Ryman to the Environment Court over Devonport development.
One Wellington flat received almost 100 inquiries within hours of being listed, and 350 in a week, Trade Me says.
All Metlifecare retirement villages are being reviewed after four villages were found to have watertightness issues.
Student tenants have paid thousands of dollars over summer for empty flats and apartments in a bid to secure their accommodation for 2017.
It's a radical transformation: from protected heritage ex-Auckland Council's headquarters into new apartments. The first visuals
Huge new mixed-use property project planned on council-owned Auckland land, being sold to a developer
Wealthy Americans are preparing for a potential doomsday by buying property in New Zealand.
RACHEL SMALLEY: Would you consider cashing in on the wave of Lions fans coming here? And at what price? Or is your home, just that - your home?
Auckland has gone from the world's fifth least affordable city to its fourth, now behind Hong Kong, Sydney and Vancouver as the least accessible housing market.
Homeowners are set to cash in on the Lions rugby tour.
A community action group says big opposition to a retirement village in Devonport hasn't stopped the council granting consent.
Helen O'Sullivan, chief executive of Ockham Residential, gives her take on the year ahead. What is 2017 looking like for your business? 2017
Wellington rents jumped 9.8 per cent annually while Auckland's rose only 3 per cent, falling slightly last month, according to the latest stats.
While some projects are cancelled, work has begun to convert a 17-level office block in to apartments.
Latest figures show Auckland's growth rate halving over past 12 months and insiders expect further slowing in 2017.
The Property Institute of New Zealand takes a look at the crystal ball to see what's in store for housing in 2017
Consent has been granted for an application from a Thai business to acquire an interest in the towering Metropolis in Auckland's CBD.
A Property Institute said the situation "threatens the fundamentals of what it means to be a Kiwi".
Home ownership has hit a record low with the least number of Kiwis living in their own home in 66 years.
Nearly 800 property owners in Queenstown will be sent a reminder to register their short-term holiday rental room or house as visitor accommodation.
A British property tycoon has banned single mothers, battered wives, plumbers and low income earners from becoming tenants.
A Morrinsville family remain homeless after fire ripped through their home just after Christmas. The McRaes are now having to look
New apartments, construction of the five-star $200 million hotel, offices and transformed streetscapes: The urban renewal of Auckland's waterfront in 2017.