State house evictions double in Auckland
Redevelopment and methamphetamine were two key reasons for evictions from state houses.
Redevelopment and methamphetamine were two key reasons for evictions from state houses.
Neither Labour nor National is addressing landlord's 'total power' in NZ, the Sallies say.
The former garage where Bruce McLaren spent his early years will become six apartments.
Pre-sales of yet-to-be-built Pacific units at $100m-plus.
Incoming managing director Gordon MacLeod revealed how plans had changed at Wakakura.
The government set aside $100 million to free up unused Crown land in today's budget.
Travel through Ryman's biggest new retirement village, yet to be built.
The iwi, which already owns waterfront land, says they're the port's natural owner.
Renters are celebrating Labour's idea to close a property tax break.
Listing volumes have ballooned 42 per cent in the last year.
Ryman has bought a 3.2 hectare site in Geelong, Victoria's second-biggest city.
Rents would rise in reaction to Labour's investment tax policy, an investor warns.
The village will go ahead, after five weeks of mediation in the Environment Court.
Auckland house prices only rose $24,500, a mere 3 per cent, in the past year.
While Christchurch prices saw a dip, Wellington outstripped the rest of the country.
The plight of first-home buyers in Auckland has worsened, new government figures show.
City's largest rental manager got massive 107,268 tenant inquiries from January to March.
The rise in building costs is leaving a huge number of Kiwi homeowners underinsured.
Young families have been pushed back to their parents' homes as rents jump higher.
An economist says 10 steps have been taken backwards since Auckland Housing Accord signed.
Auckland house sale volumes plunged to lowest level since the 2008 global financial crisis
House values drop in parts of Auckland and Christchurch; Wellington's on the rise.
Nearly 400 homes unsafe to occupy because of P contamination despite housing shortage.
Housing stock in Auckland has jumped while decreasing across the rest of NZ.