House auction figures plummet
Wellington numbers went down by 40 per cent, while Auckland dropped by nearly a third
Wellington numbers went down by 40 per cent, while Auckland dropped by nearly a third
Many landlords will either increase the rent or sell property.
Unsuspecting family who bought a P-contaminated house sought $146,429 in compensation.
Whanganui's median rental has risen to $320 per week.
New $2b-plus town centre is planned on southern inner reaches of Manukau Harbour.
The number of properties traded last month rose almost 18 per cent.
The North Shore home was described by a horrified local landlord as a "hovel". The letting agent said the house was not in good condition but was close to the beach.
The property's agent said the house wasn't in good condition - but it was near the beach.
A Hamilton couple went from being $35k in debt to owning a $1.53m portfolio in a year.
Chinese property website has listed why NZ is sought-after for Chinese investors.
"I just want a second chance!" Made with funding from NZ On Air.
The restrictions have taken heat out of the market.
Christchurch tenants face rent rises of up to 26.8 per cent.
A Takapuna waterfront mansion has sold for $28.9 million, setting the record.
Business will promote NZ property to Chinese in push ahead of foreign buyer ban.
Rental stock plummets: Auckland down 35 per cent, Wellington down 69 per cent.
Average leasehold rent about $40,000/year
Police Association will lobby for allowances for members living in pricey cities, towns
New Auckland settlement rising on the northern outskirts of the city.
Rich-listers have sold their multi-million dollar mansions in a real estate sell-down.
Six deals approved to sell NZ land to foreigners; three involve majority local ownership.
The $33m Glenorchy home dubbed NZ's 'most expensive' has been trumped.
Price expectations hit a six-year low and interest rates are expected to rise.