Foreign investor ban plan outrages retirement giants
Ryman Healthcare and Metlifecare have invested heavily in the local market.
Ryman Healthcare and Metlifecare have invested heavily in the local market.
There are about 130 workers contributing to the project, set for completion in 2019.
A survey of Auckland property investors suggests optimism is returning to the market
The retirement giant made $56.5 million in half-year profit.
High demand has seen rental prices rise steadily in the capital.
Landlord "devastated'' that his rental property had been contaminated by previous tenant.
The data shows the nation-wide figure dropped by 14 percent.
A lobby group has tracked a significant rise in the level of foreign ownership in NZ.
Specialist landlord policies cover damage caused by tenants, theft, and loss of rent.
Submissions request that a key part be redrafted so as not to hinder development.
How has your area fared in the latest round of property values?
A warm January saw sales by the city's biggest realtors decline.
With the threat of rising sea levels, waterfront properties have become risky business.
Desperate mum has applied for hundreds of rentals, to no avail.
The rental situation has received plenty of coverage lately: we take a look at the data.
Lawyers decry penalty for 'unrealistic requirement'.
In their submissions on the OIO bill, lawyers and realtors decried the proposed change.
Kiwis are split, with some supporting the move and others strongly opposing it.
The rental shortage has forced one family to fork out $4000 a month staying in a motel.
Takapuna homeowner complains of nine-level apartment block.
An invitation to "expose" dodgy landlords has led to a flood of official complaints.
A Kiwi couple were denied a rental property on the basis they weren't Asian and are unwed.
New Zealand's most unaffordable city is not Auckland, according to a new study.
The case involves former agent Gurpreet or Preet Grewal.
Creditor has experts appointed to Harcourts business
New Zealand house prices rose 5.8 per cent in the previous 12 months.
Housing NZ has called on those criticising the project to suspend judgment.