Student lives in van for 18 months to avoid skyrocketing Wellington rents
Jonathan Ford studied fulltime while living in van and it was "the best year of my life".
Jonathan Ford studied fulltime while living in van and it was "the best year of my life".
Queenstown landlords are being accused of taking advantage of the situation.
An Auckland lawyer fears tenants may be targeted with illegal fees after letting fee ban.
The tenant also waited 38 weeks to get keys for the property.
A $250 fee charged to man transferring his rental to his niece concerns renters groups.
What's it like to live in a car? That's the focus of a new artwork at Wyndham Quarter.
Renters are paying up to $50 more a week than a year ago - and National blames the Govt.
The law bans all letting fees charged to tenants.
A Government subsidised scheme could help make housing more affordable for renters.
Papakura mum was driven to desperation because of how hard it was to find a rental.
The woman could not understand why the rental company would need the information.
Homeless crisis easing, but far from over, support groups say.
Government must regulate property managers, urge industry insiders and lobbyists.
Exposed rats' nest may have caused a pregnant woman to become seriously ill.
Bailiff says landlord is now responsible to securely store rubbish left behind.
End of letting fees may put bad property managers out of business, says consultant.
Family find new home after taking their case public and forcing landlord to take action.
Airbnb rejected the data, insisting less than 1 per cent of hosts claim property damage.
Rentals BOP has lost more than 20 properties as landlords get frustrated with new rules.
The listing received 35 complaints before the member removed the listing.
Steve Braunias wanders through the grim living conditions of an Auckland landmark.
Occupant told landlady he would pay his rent only if she "takes off her pants".
From soaring ocean views to helipads, welcome to Auckland's most glamorous rentals.
Wynyard Central rises near the waterfront
Landlords say they had no option but to spend huge amounts on remediation
Developer in talks with another builder to finish 153-unit apartment project.
The family say they were given the notice after raising issues with media.
Te Tuinga Whānau says it has 47 clients with nowhere to stay during the Aims Games.
COMMENT: Lazy property managers and broken houses: buyer beware.
Airbnb and Bookabach owners may face extra selling costs because of council rate charges.