$10m landlord had planned to fund CGT hit
Auckland landlord Gary Lin owns 14 residential properties worth about $10 million.
Auckland landlord Gary Lin owns 14 residential properties worth about $10 million.
Auckland landlord will only "sell from the grave".
Biggest building sector reform proposed in 15 years.
Auckland rents rise fast in this year's first quarter: Barfoots
The fallout from the $100 million meth-testing debacle continues.
REINZ data is out this morning.
OneRoof has become a powerful tool for real estate buyers and sellers.
Views for and against CGT on residential rental property.
Summer took its toll on the house sale market with Auckland and national volumes down.
The Government is "cannibalising" affordable houses for public housing, NGOs say.
Scammer who went by the name of "Stevie Marie" claimed to have a house to rent.
Two hotels featuring more than 300 rooms are planned for the Gorge Rd site.
Landlords sue Kim Dotcom for adding black carpet - and other changes - to penthouse.
Niki Wiggins has been given a 90-day notice after five years at a property in Gonville.
Capital gains idea won't achieve the 'fairness' the Government says it's aiming for.
Official advice to the Housing Minister warns landlords could opt for Airbnb over renting.
Metlifecare bottom line hit by slowing housing market
Jack Tame says we should "play the fairness game" when considering a capital gains tax.
Investigation underway after concerns about a hidden camera.
Another bride speaks out about alleged state of controversial West Auckland property.
Final recommendations from the Tax Working Group will be revealed this week.
The bridesmaid has since emailed the owner through booking.com and demanded a refund.
Christchurch meth tenants stole stain glass window and left piles of rubbish behind.
A survey of property investors suggests they may not be as risky borrowers.
Woman who ripped up HNZ home carpets and painted floor pink forced to pay $5200.
The shift towards developers comes as the wait list for social housing nears 12,000.
Landlords have been paying for needless meth clean-ups - on the advice of officials.
The very words "capital gains tax" have been political poison in New Zealand.
Tenants angry after being given 7 days' notice to vacate leaky Auckland apartment complex.