'Science fiction bunker': Objectors decry Mt Eden plan
Residents aren't happy about the proposed changes.
Residents aren't happy about the proposed changes.
The missing statue has been subject of rampant speculation.
Four properties demolished for carparking had a combined value of nearly $10 million.
Some Tauranga landlords only want professional couples no kids rental agency says.
Pensioner forced to move out of flat after rent rises by 73 per cent.
Could the refreshed KiwiBuild scheme include a rent-to-own option?
Newly-arrived refugees have been caught up in New Zealand's long wait for social housing.
Raft of projects in pipeline over next eight years, and $2.1b of work already happening.
Rental prices are set to increase as new tenancy laws come into force.
"I can't believe the video has crept up to nearly 9 million."
We say: KiwiSaver, sinking interest rates and low unemployment help first home buyers.
Details of 12 Overseas Investment Office decisions are out.
Landlord Earle Properties had also earlier sought a share of the brothel profits.
What do plans for $290m of new assets say about this sector?
Land on and surrounding high-profile Warehouse site could see big changes soon.
Leaky roof led to the ceiling collapsing during the 'Tasman Tempest' storm in 2017.
Records revealed in retirement village sector, new in-depth report.
What next for the 18-level CAB, empty since 2014?
How did landlords react to no CGT? Survey findings reveal action
Uplift in Auckland house sales tipped after capital-gains tax backdown and cash-rate cut.
The family claim they were told "the owner doesn't want Indian tenants".
The final standards for healthy home requirements will be released on Thursday, May 16.
Apartments dominate NZIA regional Auckland awards
Tenants busted when their landlord saw the property advertised on the internet.
NZ house values up 2.7 per cent while Sydney prices fall 14 per cent
Middle Eastern couple faced allegations of being drug addicts at an Airbnb property.
COMMENT: New Zealand First has not been unreasonable in exercising its veto.
Landlords react to the news of the Government rejecting a capital gains tax plan.