Apartment owners may have ‘heads in the sand’ about rent increase
The lease of the iwi's downtown Auckland land is up for review next August.
The lease of the iwi's downtown Auckland land is up for review next August.
Around 30,000 homes in Perth are thought to be involved.
Around 500 people live in the high-rise.
One-bedroom units are $1.1m, the penthouse is $5m: New project, nearly done, move-in soon.
Several CBD office buildings in Auckland have been converted into apartments, hotels.
The Camerons lived rent-free for 15 months, now they only have to fork out half the bill.
Tribunal: It's 'extraordinary' Kyle Webster ignored such an important issue for so long.
'Rents are nowhere near enough to cover the mortgage for a typical debt-backed purchase.'
Renting an old property out cheaply doesn't excuse landlords from ensuring it's habitable.
'Auckland... has become a test case for housing deregulation,' the Economist says.
Auckland landlord was advised to get her act together but chose not to, tribunal says.
Population growth has more effect on local rent and house prices, Airbnb survey shows.
Foodstuffs says it offered to pay well above CV for home. Owner says he never got an offer
Over-insulated? Penk says some people are taking extreme steps.
Modular units allow a much shorter timeframe for construction, planning consultants say.
Massive reforms are under way: what do people think, what's the reaction, what effect?
Property managers have evicted a loud and foul-mouthed tenant after neighbours complained.
The Housing Minister expects the housing agency to evict an increasing number of people.
Decline followed a huge surge in building consents as well as a post-pandemic rush.
Auckland Council versus Government on freeing up land on the outskirts. Who will win?
Developers have fought for years to create new townships on outskirts of Auckland.
New showroom is about to open at Wigram in that fast-growing area of Christchurch.
Ōakura, New Plymouth, is top of the list with an increase of 68%.
First job: A landmark 57-level luxury tower between Commerce and Gore streets.
Tanya Lieven's conduct is under the microscope for the third time.
Landlord Timothy Stewart said he was 'horrified' by the way the tenancy had been managed.
'If we’ve got any young people wanting jobs out here, they can’t find anywhere to live.'
We're out of technical recession - just - but GDP per capita is still falling
The amount is far worse than the approximately $5m initially thought to be owed.
Solo mum says rent has been as much as half her income. Data shows she's not alone.