Four homes in two years: Young couple's homebuying secrets
Couple believe their story is a sign the country's housing market has life in it yet.
Couple believe their story is a sign the country's housing market has life in it yet.
A new law about who should pay for rental property damage could trigger waves of disputes.
Two Auckland tenants say they lived day and night with the smell of Chinese take away.
Tauranga tenants deny running brothel, but were fined for unlawful meth use.
Tenant with a child aged under two listed 22 separate issues with Henderson house.
Qestral says its expansion is partly due to Government funding constraints.
Lessons for agents from agent caught sleeping at house Bayleys was selling.
23 Sargeson units for sale as one lot or individually - administrator moves
Ha before authority, tribunal, High Court: loses all three rounds
It's not just Barfoot's clients either: agents and their friends are drawn here too.
An Auckland landlord has been ordered to pay compensation for the emotional harm caused.
The tenant's felines caused thousands of dollars damage to carpets and curtains.
Sandra Williams won two of three disputes with Metlifecare
The man tried to take his ex to the Tenancy Tribunal after she stopped paying rent.
It has an Auckland Council rating value of $8.1m, but the owner says $11m minimum.
American who intends to stay in NZ selling L29 penthouse apartment.
Big milestones ahead for Auckland's newest town centre.
New rentals are more expensive in South Auckland and the North Shore.
9ha of land near Queenstown could be the area's top real estate deals.
Landlords seized her property and threatened to give it away to Salvation Army.
Home buyers are taking on home loans five times greater than their yearly incomes.
The business has 28 villages either finished or planned.
Home values in the town of 6900 people have jumped 125 per cent over the past 10 years.
The group are often so cold in their own living room they can see their breath.
Tenants made 100 complaints about insulation in July after rules came into force.
The first landlords to breach the new insulation laws have been pinged.
The student bought a apartment via her mother, but now can't afford to pay.
"It's been built in just nine months and its proves KiwiBuild works" - Shane Brealey
House prices are down in super rich playgrounds Remuera, Mission Bay and Parnell.
"She did not warn me whatsoever about the difficulties" - daughter on agent mum.