Soper: Rental law changes won't make life easier for anyone
COMMENT: Of course there's imbalance when you own something and someone rents it from you.
COMMENT: Of course there's imbalance when you own something and someone rents it from you.
How will tenancy law change if next year's overhaul goes ahead? Before and after.
The stress of two eviction orders "did me in emotionally".
The developer of the 57-level Pacifica apartment tower has had assets frozen.
Jarden analysed the listed real estate sector.
Landlords will have to go to the Tenancy Tribunal to get rid of anti-social tenants.
Govt is to set new rules around evictions for anti-social behaviour and rent arrears.
But a government watchdog has cautioned buyers to beware of what they are purchasing.
An Auckland apartment is selling for $49k. But that's not the cheapest to sell this year.
The spring effect has kicked into the housing market.
Landlord says they will have less control with no-cause tenancy termination change.
The 40 most powerful people in NZ property revealed.
Beauden and Hannah Barrett choose new Auckland home - one that is very familiar to them.
This old homestead once included its own island. Now it looks set to fall to urban sprawl.
Hamilton woman Angela Robb says she's suffered a brain aneurysm due to the stress.
Despite property's high profile, many on this list like to stay under the radar.
Tenant alarmed to learn poisonous email was intended as a curse.
Water dripped into children's bedroom for three years. It could've been fixed for $240.
Agents may be forced to pay compensation to buyers and sellers who lose money.
Look out first-home buyers. House prices are set to boom again.
The Pacifica building is 70 per cent complete.
Should tenants be able to get a state house for life?
Find out where the cheapest and most expensive areas to rent are.
Collins and Kaye push ahead with petition to try get action.
A report found protective clothing was needed just to enter the bedrooms.
A third destructive party in weeks has neighbours in a once sleepy Auckland street irate.
Scope of claim revealed: 12 parties involved in $16m Mt Maunganui claim
COMMENT: There's no reason to fear eviction when asking for a property to be maintained.
Otago advocates for tenants are calling for the rental industry to be regulated further.
Investors are targeting South Auckland with the express purpose of getting Govt money.