
Landlords, agents back rent freeze for 1.5m tenants
Landlords have been advised to talk to their banks early.
Landlords have been advised to talk to their banks early.
New Zealand's lockdown has raised more questions than answers in the housing market.
Emergency tenancy measures "during this difficult time".
Landlord unable to return from China: coronavirus travel restrictions
Kiwi renters will get relief from any increases in rent during the immediate crisis.
Summerset has ramped up security around its retirement villages.
Banks are urging any customers hit financially by the crisis to contact them early.
Top 20 NZ homes: all is revealed in a never-before-seen list.
Bank drops one-year fixed home loan rate to 3.05 per cent.
What future five NZX listed retirement stocks?
Buyers employed in tourism may soon face a battle securing home loans due to coronavirus.
KiwiBuild flats are the "success story" of the Auckland apartment market, report says.
It's still to early to see what impact coronavirus will have on house prices.
Humble Māngere home sets a record sale price above the million-dollar mark.
"I did it because I've done well in my life" - Manson
Property manager says $400pw for house with borer and broken windows 'modestly' priced.
Hours after sharing her struggle finding a rental property, she found the perfect one.
High Court decision upheld earlier findings about serious misconduct and dishonesty.
Spencer on Byron owners bring case against their lawyers.
Virus most likely candidate to topple Auckland's thriving housing market, economist says.
Hillend Estates is a new gated luxury housing community.
A Remuera couple recently made a $4m resale gain by selling their mansion.
House prices are on a longer winning streak than the All Blacks.
Rental housing was the easiest, most economical way to move from one place to another.
A simple New Lynn quarter acre block has sold for close to $2m as Auckland prices heat up.
Returns on assets less than half NZX50.
Govt is building more houses, but the waiting list for them keeps growing.
The landlord says the tenant admitted the garage door was broken in a domestic incident.
Penthouse with the nation's highest lap pool has been snapped up for a near record price.
The tenancy tribunal was shown a piece of carpet that had mushrooms growing on it.