Rental inspections – what does a tenant really have to do?
Does a bit of burnt pastry at the bottom of the oven matter? What if the lawns need a mow?
Does a bit of burnt pastry at the bottom of the oven matter? What if the lawns need a mow?
At the end of last year, rents were increasing at a rate of more than 7% a year.
A family have been awarded just over $18,000 in a Tenancy Tribunal decision after their landlords failed to maintain their rental property.
OPINION: 'It's time Christopher Luxon stepped up and brought his ministers into line.'
An owner of a two-bedroom unit wanted only $179,000: faced a massive $446,000 repair bill.
The dispute began over a sign the tenant had posted on her fence.
OPINION: The banking system is working for shareholders and against consumers.
'If you’re in a really tough game, go on the attack.'
In areas such as Wairoa, Kawerau, Ruapehu, and Tararua its cheaper to buy than rent.
Some pensioners are forced to spend almost all of their money on rent.
Meanwhile, a decision on media access to court and receivership files has been reserved.
Now Du Val investors and creditors want their money.
OPINION: Renting looks a better deal than buying for now – but not for long.
Iplex will pay 80%, Western Australian Government to pay 20% to help homeowner victims.
OPINION: A closer look at the web of factors that influence house prices and rents.
Dispute between China Construction and developer Shundi Customs: Work suspended.
Sharon Irwin claims it's retribution for suing her employer after an inmate broke her arm.
Readers have their say on marae investment, food safety and residential cabins.
'Investors with us for years, they get paid quarterly. We’ve never missed a payment.'
Could this be a new prototype for terraced housing on medium-density Auckland sites?
Building to rise in Parnell after a joint venture between developer and charitable entity.
It's now possible to stay in an enormous replica of the iconic 90s toy.
'Millions of dollars in repairs, ridiculously expensive': owner paying $30,000.
'It’s been nearly two years since I’ve been paid anything.' - Du Val investor
The lease of the iwi's downtown Auckland land is up for review next August.
Around 30,000 homes in Perth are thought to be involved.
Around 500 people live in the high-rise.
One-bedroom units are $1.1m, the penthouse is $5m: New project, nearly done, move-in soon.
Several CBD office buildings in Auckland have been converted into apartments, hotels.
The Camerons lived rent-free for 15 months, now they only have to fork out half the bill.