Latest fromReligion and Beliefs

Fane suspended for offensive rant
David Fane has been suspended from his Radio Network job for a week for offensive comments made during an expletive-laden rant last week.

'Dumb words said by a dumb man' - Fane apologises
One of the creators of bro'Town has apologised for the "dumb" racist and homophobic remarks he made at a media event earlier this week.

TV3 star attacks Jews
A top TV star unleashed a racist outburst at a high-profile media event this week - claiming that "Jews were expendable". He also claimed that "Hitler had a right" and HIV sufferers deserved to be "roasted".

Cossie clubs won't criticise Manurewa's turban ban
Manurewa Cosmopolitan Club is keeping a ban on turbans.

Is this the start of a backlash against circumcision?
The Royal Dutch Medical Association has adopted the view that the circumcision of underage boys violates their human rights.

Britain: First woman to lead Friday prayers
Raheel Raza is part of a growing group of Muslim feminists challenging the traditional exclusion of women from leadership roles within the mosque.

Brewery, church to collaborate on billboard
DB Breweries has extended an "olive branch" to Bethlehem Community Church after accusing it of infringing copyright.

Whale-rider link stops orca autopsy
An orca that washed up dead near Whakatane has been buried in a nearby Maori cemetery despite researchers wanting to perform an autopsy.

Church warned over 'Yeah Right' sign
DB Breweries has cautioned a small Tauranga church over a sign it says is similar to its Tui "Yeah Right" billboards.

Church faces new claims of child sex abuse and neglect
Further allegations against the Church of Scientology, including claims of child sex abuse and neglect, have renewed calls for an inquiry into the organisation.