Latest fromReligion and Beliefs

Sainthood for Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa of Calcutta will be made an official saint of the Roman Catholic Church tomorrow, just 19 years after her death.

Silk Road: Monk's quest ends at place of peace
The temple of a famous Buddhist reconciles tensions between communism and religion, writes Jim Eagles.

Muslim cleric reviled for interfaith efforts
For the first time in a long while, the 'Ground Zero mosque' man is avoiding the press.

<i>Garth George:</i> Beware the devil behind preacher's cloth
Garth George writes that the bigot who plans to burn the Koran shows that religious leaders of any faith can be serving Satan.

Well, burn my Koran and call me extremist
Church-run book bonfire shows depth of anti-Islamic sentiment simmering in US.

Burger ad complaint not upheld
A complaint that a Burger King TV ad was offensive to vegetarians by suggesting a burger could convert them to eating meat has not been upheld.

Susan Boyle's Pope honour
Susan Boyle has spoken of her honour at being chosen to sing for Pope Benedict XVI when he visits Glasgow in September.

Germany: Power and passion lift the spirits
Peter Atkins, retired Bishop of Waiapu, is overawed by a once-in-a-lifetime experience at Oberammergau.