Latest fromReligion and Beliefs

<i>Inside Money: </i>How to make bread with KiwiSaver
David Chaplin looks into the Exclusive Brethren's BCF KiwiSaver scheme.

For heaven's sake, Pope hopes to end trend for exotic names
The Pope has declared war on parents' growing insistence on shunning the saints and naming their children after fashion designers, Sanskrit titles and things that don't mean much.

Wedding bill heads for $10m
In the end, it ended like they all do - he does, she does ... and then they were wed.

Makeover culture is a boom industry
It's now that shops start to push their various diet supplements, that magazines and newspapers pontificate on the new year's new you.

Three Wise Men and a couple of burqas
The presenters of motoring show Top Gear have caused controversy after dressing in burqas while filming in the Middle East.

Tips for a stress-free holiday season
Most of us are just plain worn out, yet we long to create and achieve the kind of holiday time sold to us by the media.

WikiLeaks: Kiwi mosque spied on by US
The Muslim community in NZ was probed by US diplomats for signs of extremist behaviour.

Christmas services around the country
A selection of Christmas church services in the main centres.

Three guilty of planning Australian terror attack
A Victorian court has found three men guilty of planning a terrorist attack on an Australian army base in Sydney.

UK town stuck with 'hotbed of terrorism' tag
Luton has long been saddled by the suggestion that it is a town riddled with terrorists.

Britain looks to ban anti-Islam pastor
Britain is considering banning far-right United States pastor Terry Jones from travelling to the UK.

Demise of apple orchards threatens Britain's mistletoe
Although this year's harvest is bountiful and prices are buoyant, a long-term threat hangs over the future of the UK's mistletoe.

FBI plant 'too extreme' for mosque
The spying game wasn't all it was cracked up to be for Craig Monteilh, a convicted criminal recruited by the FBI to investigate the march of radical Islam into southern California.