Latest fromReligion and Beliefs

Pope's resignation a 'surprising move', says Key
John Key is shocked about the Pope's resignation, describing the move by the 85-year-old as a "brave call".

Daughters cross church picket line
helps-Roper, the granddaughter of founder Reverend Fred Phelps, was once described as the "future leader" of the church. But she and her 19-year-old sister, Grace, confirmed this week that they had departed the Kansas-based congregation in November.

Scientology wants NZ to 'ease up'
Scientology has no official doctrine that we are descended from aliens but members of its order do sign billion-year contracts "to symbolise their eternal commitment".

Anne Penketh: Role of women under scrutiny in new Islamist-ruled Egypt
Egypt used to be a place where you never gave a second thought to personal safety, writes Anne Penkith. Egyptians are hospitable, charming and honest - on the whole.

Gunbattles erupt in Port Said
The streets of Port Said were convulsed by gun battles as groups of civilians, some using Kalashnikov machineguns, launched attacks on police stations and an army club.

Tapu Misa: Christmas should be a time of hope for us all
A Christmas story from an associate, who was in a Salvation Army op shop when a family - mum, dad, and three children - stopped by to drop off a new bike.

Michael Hewat: Christmas message inverts the quest for God
Theists, and perhaps some atheists too, might thank God for Dr Zain Ali's gracious and insightful comments about God and religion.

Rhys Darby: The end was nigh...
I never believed the world would suddenly end, but I liked the idea that it was possible.

Referendum a victory for President
Egypt's Islamist-backed constitution received a "yes" majority in a final round of voting on a referendum that saw a low voter turnout.

Editorial: Let's embrace this season of tolerance and goodwill
A Christmas card from the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran wishes us a Merry Christmas. There is nothing unusual about that.

The end - and we're still here
When a mynah bird fell from the sky in front of a startled Katja Wernicke, she wondered if the doomsday predictions might be right.

It's a matter of faith
Whether one is "religious" or not, everyone is a person of faith. If that sounds like a contradiction, the fact is that each one of us has faith, because faith is defined as having belief and trust in someone or something.

Zain Ali: Space for all in religious debate
Religious faith undoubtedly has the power to inspire, although in many cases it seems to inspire irrational acts of hatred and violence.

How to survive doomsday
Doomsayers believe December 21, 2012, marks the end of an ancient Mayan calendar - and, therefore, the onset of world-ending natural or extraterrestrial catastrophes.

Born on 12/12/12 at 12.12pm
In what her parents hope is a good omen, Scarlett Anne Lowe was born at 12.12pm on December 12, 2012.

Olinda Woodroffe: Pacific ministers well placed to combat violence
I'd like to see church ministers being proactive in curbing violence before it happens. It is good to see church ministers taking a positive step to curb violence.

Religions unite against violence
More than 40 New Zealand religious leaders have taken a joint stand today against violence towards women or children.

Ending the world on a high
Next week, Kiwi musician Jason Kerrison will sit around a bonfire in the Far North strumming a guitar with friends - preparing for the end of time.

Bible teachers dropped for preaching
The country's largest provider of religious instruction in schools has stood down three volunteers for teaching pupils their own beliefs.

Anglicans send Kiwi to the Vatican
The head of the Anglican Church in New Zealand, Archbishop David Moxon, has been appointed to represent the worldwide Anglican movement in Rome.