Latest fromReligion and Beliefs

Church 'should be free from interference'
The Anglican Church should be free from state interference when selecting its leaders, their lawyer argued today.

Church accused of human rights breach
The Anglican Church breached the Human Rights Act by stopping a homosexual man from entering a priesthood training programme, says his lawyer.

'Considerable opposition' to training
The Anglican Bishop of Auckland says he was following church rules when he turned Eugene Sisneros down for priest training because he was in a same-sex relationship.

Teacher's role in religion falls short for visa
Auckland's Rudolf Steiner schools could lose their only religious instruction teacher because of an Immigration New Zealand decision not to recognise her as a religious worker.

Gay priest rejection: 'I am not equal'
Eugene Sisneros has described his hurt and humiliation after allegedly being rejected for a priest training programme because he was in a same-sex relationship.

Homosexual rejected, heads to tribunal
A homosexual man is taking the Anglican Bishop of Auckland to the Human Rights Tribunal after being rejected for training as a priest.

Pete Lentini: Bombers very likely to have acted alone
The received wisdom is that the Tsarnaev brothers began their attack on the Boston Marathon to advance the cause of their fellow Chechens, writes Pete Lentini.

Gay weddings ban: Churches say no
Gay marriage has been legalised by Parliament - but it is still banned by most of New Zealand's 10 main religions, a new Herald survey shows.

Church wedding out for gay law advocate
Gay marriage law author Louisa Wall won't be able to marry her same-sex partner in her own Ratana Church.

Can the love in last for the popular Pope?
A month after his election as leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics, Pope Francis I is riding a wave of popularity that would leave many politicians drooling.

Church auctions controversial billboard
A church in central Auckland is auctioning one of its controversial 'Jesus coming out' billboards on Trade Me.

India's Holi festival
Hindus in India celebrated the festival of Holi by painting each other in bright colors, distributing sweets and squirting water at fellow festival-goers. The holiday begins each year with a bonfire, followed the next day by paint throwing to celebrate the arrival of spring and the victory of good over evil.

Same-sex marriage gaining favour in US
While opposition to same-sex marriage appears to be growing in NZ, several surveys in the United States show public opinion is surprisingly heading in the other direction.

Shock poll over gay marriage bill
Public opposition to same-sex marriage has grown significantly since a law change to legalise it came before Parliament, a HeraldDigiPoll survey shows.

Maori priest a rare voice
At yesterday's Palm Sunday service Pa Petera Tipene was causing a few of his female parishioners to run for the back ranks.

'Unpredictable' pope worries security
The day after his election, Francis eschewed the Vatican's armored limousine and traveled through the chaotic streets of Rome in an ordinary car to pick up his things at a downtown hotel.

Lovelorn Lebanese head to Cyprus
The Cyprus Airways flight from Beirut arrives at 9.15am, disgorging bankers and traders, shuttling between two of the Mediterranean's business hubs.