Century-old land dispute to be laid to rest
Parliament will today amend a century-old trust which was set up to convert Maori to Christianity and evangelise to "heathen races'' all over the world.
Parliament will today amend a century-old trust which was set up to convert Maori to Christianity and evangelise to "heathen races'' all over the world.
The Pope has claimed that big business' worship of money is causing misery and despair for ordinary people, in one of his strongest attacks yet on the global economic system.
An Auckland father who says his daughter was told during religious instruction that she would go to hell is campaigning to have the classes dropped from her state school.
Pope Francis has declared himself a "sinner" and said the Catholic Church will "fall like a house of cards" unless it is able to focus more on the "essentials" of preaching the Gospel and less on politics and bureaucracy.
Michael Hewat's opinion piece on Islam makes two bold demands.
Britain's leading Muslim organisation isn't happy with a judge's landmark ruling that women should not give evidence in court while wearing the veil.
In 2010 a horribly misguided United States Christian pastor announced his plans to publicly burn a pile of 200 copies of the Koran.
All pupils in French state schools will be reminded this week that they are not allowed to wear items of religious clothing.
He was cleared of sexual misconduct in a criminal trial, but a Korean pastor says he's being victimised by the Presbyterian Church of NZ.
A senior pastor who founded the Korean Presbyterian Church of Auckland will be struck off the ministerial roll after an internal church investigation found him guilty of sexual misconduct and abuse.
A former Catholic brother today has an appeal hearing against a judge's decision to have him extradited to Australia to face 252 sexual abuse charges.
For most of us, the sunset at 6.03pm tonight will be unremarkable, but not so for the 450 families who make up the Auckland Hebrew Congregation.
A photo of the Pope posing with young fans at the Vatican has gone viral on social media, with gleeful reports that it was the first ever "Papal selfie".
A former Scientologist has claimed she was one of several women "auditioned" as a potential wife for the actor and Scientology stalwart Tom Cruise.
Egypt's descent into violent chaos entered a new phase yesterday as the military-backed Government suggested it planned to ban the Muslim Brotherhood.
Anjum Rahman is gaining support in her bid to become the first Muslim woman elected to public office in New Zealand.
The head of New Zealand's third-largest church has asked its ministers to consider a temporary ban on gay marriages to preserve the church's "peace and unity".
Auckland mayoral candidate the Rev Uesifili UNasa may be looking for some divine intervention, having launched his campaign at church.
Professor Richard Dawkins has been forced to defend controversial comments he made online after saying the last time Muslims contributed something worthwhile was during the Middle Ages.
It's the shoes at the foot of Bishop Brian Tamaki's impressive all-black ensemble that catch the eye as his delegation sweeps up the library stairs at Massey University's North Shore campus.
A week or so back London officials banned the use of the phrase "in sickness and in health" in civil registry wedding vows as "too religious".
As more Kiwis describe themselves as having no religion, it's hardly surprising that the teaching of Christianity should rub against modern concepts of rights.
Sweating nervously from his bald head the American soldier gathered enough composure to deliver an extraordinary presentation.
Religions do a little good and a lot of bad, says Paul Little.
The chief of the Churches Education Commission, Simon Greening, and survey author David Hines present their views on the debate over religious education programmes in schools.
Schools are going through the "hurtful" process of choosing to drop religious instruction, with boards of trustees working through passionate arguments from parents on both sides of the debate.
South Asian Muslims in Auckland report feeling secure, but some say they'd received "prejudicial treatment" in their dealings with police.
The Pope's shift in stance on homosexuality has been welcomed by activists in conservative Italy.
A survey shows one in three state primary and intermediate schools teaches religious instruction, triggering a debate about what kids are being taught.