Latest fromReligion and Beliefs

Whip-round replaces smashed car
Visiting church pastors Michael and Lomi Naisau were distraught when a huge tree branch fell and smashed a car they had borrowed while visiting Auckland for a conference.

No change to religious instruction policies
Religious instruction policies will not be altered, despite some schools making changes after complaints from parents, the Ministry of Education says.

Unholy f***: Pope's slip-up
Pope Francis has caused a stir at his weekly Vatican address by seemingly dropping the F-Bomb with the ease of a drunken docker in a public house.

Religion ban fears grow
Concerns are being raised that all religious symbolism could be abolished from schools following the removal of Bible studies from an Auckland school timetable.

David Hines: Secular stance pro-education, not anti-Christian
The Secular Education Network is not anti-Christian as Dr Paul Moon's article written on February 13 suggests, writes David Hines.

Sam Clements: Keep religious teaching out of schools
As a rich historical and cultural tapestry the Bible has played a prominent role in the development of human civilisation over the past two millennia, both for better and for worse.

'Culture No Excuse for Abuse' booklet launched
A booklet aimed at addressing family violence in ethnic communities has been launched by the Government today.

Polls show dislike for church rules
Catholics are divided on issues such as divorce and birth control amid widespread resentment at Church teachings, two surveys have found.

$1.8m pricetag for pastors' pad
City Impact Church founders Peter and Bev Mortlock are selling their Whangaparaoa mansion - and its pricetag has surprised one church member.

School considers 'all options'
A primary school is considering "all options" over its Christianity classes after complaints from three parents.

Rev Brian Brandon: Let's look on bright side and talk about heaven
As a cancer sufferer, I echo Stephen Wealthall's call for talking openly and honestly about death, writes Rev Brian Brandon.

Police chief backs demon house claims
A police captain in Indiana says he believes the story of a woman who claimed her children were being attacked and possessed by hundreds of demons.

What's life like beneath the veil?
'I lead this double life because I still have to make a living.' Five women tell the Herald about their lives and challenges they face being Muslim in NZ.

Homosexuality a 'defect' that can be cured - Cardinal
The Pope’s new Spanish Cardinal has called homosexuality a physical “defect” that can be cured, it has been reported.

Peter Calder: Faith goes deep in orthodox ritual
An attentive passenger on the 2pm ferry leaving Devonport on Sunday afternoon would have been treated to an unusual sight.

Atheist secures UK asylum on religious grounds
An Afghan man is understood to have become the first atheist ever to secure asylum in Britain on religious grounds.

Father, let's go for a spin
Pope Francis has broken protocol to invite an old friend up for a ride on his popemobile in St Peter's Square.

Samoa time shift creates Sabbath rift
Divine intervention may be needed to help resolve a dilemma that has been brewing in Samoa - exactly which day is the Sabbath.

Paul Little: Pinko Pope riles the wealthy
You may not have heard of Ken Langone - I hadn't until recently when he decided to take on Pope Francis.

Pope warns against 'pride, deceit'
Pope Francis lauded Jesus' humble beginning as a poor and vulnerable baby, marking Christmas in St Peter's Basilica.

Diner puts some joy on bottom of his bills
The US$111.05 ($134) New York restaurant receipt includes a US$1000 tip and the words "god bless!" scrawled across it.

Burqa hid injuries of bashed teen
A teenage girl police believe was beaten at home was forced to hide her facial injuries behind a burqa while Muslim community members allegedly hushed up the abuse.