Aww - best love films named
Love Actually has beaten The Notebook and Notting Hill to be named most romantic movie of all time in a new study.
Love Actually has beaten The Notebook and Notting Hill to be named most romantic movie of all time in a new study.
Giving a gift and receiving can be complicated. Shelley Bridgeman points out potential pitfalls.
In honour of Valentine's Day, Danielle Wright finds monuments to love in the unlikeliest places.
Growing up and growing older has had more than a few surprises for Canvas writer Alan Perrott — particularly when it came to offspring
Would you take MDMA to save or enhance your relationship? Are we biologically at war with ourselves by trying to 'mate for life' - and could this be the answer?
People copy the facial expressions of those they are speaking with, a new Kiwi study has found.
Justin Bieber's mother wants him to get back together with Selena Gomez.
Bang With Friends assures privacy and discretion until both friends are 'down to bang'.
Australian supermodel Miranda Kerr has sold her New York apartment just months after she was forced to move out in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
Changing baby care fads are confusing, says celebrity supernanny Rachel Waddilove, who advocates 'old-fashioned common sense'. But her own approach can be controversial...
Passionate kissing swaps more than just spit, with DNA lingering in a partner’s mouth for at least an hour.
Cohabiting might seem the modern way, but behind closed doors an old-fashioned division of labour holds firm.
Bam. Right there. It’s a biggie and it needs more explanation. It’s not essential for happiness but it surely helps a great deal. It’s can be a lifelong quest... finding The One.
Alan Perrott discovers once you start rattling around in the branches of your family tree, you never know what might be shaken loose.
Taylor Swift jetted to London to talk things over with Harry Styles and now they're getting back together, reports say.
When Angela Hudson walked into former schoolfriend Stuart Blower's arms at Auckland Airport, it was love at first smell.
The book that had 1990s women playing it cool has a new look. Look out, boys, says Harriet Walker
Supermodel Miranda Kerr and her husband Orlando Bloom are in no rush to expand their brood just yet, insisting having one child is more than enough of a responsibility.
Kiwi adults readily admit to lying, cheating and stealing, a new study shows, raising questions about the type of example they set for the country's youth.
One in five people say they almost never eat with other family members at the dinner table, a survey shows.
Body language will give away intentions on a date, says Suzanne Masefield.
Heidi Klum has shared the details of her experimental bedroom antics.
Family First national director Bob McCoskrie says the push for same-sex marriage in New Zealand is a stepping-stone to legalising polygamy.