NZ ranked third for humanitarian response
NZ is among the world's top three countries for its humanitarian response to international crises, an aid watchdog says.
NZ is among the world's top three countries for its humanitarian response to international crises, an aid watchdog says.
West Coasters went about their business today hoping for the best but painfully aware of the grim record of tragedies in mining.
He avoided yesterday's Pike River blast by minutes - now a miner waits for news of trapped workmates.
The disease has begun to infect residents of the capital's densely populated tent cities, where more than a million people are still living.
APN News & Media, publisher of nzherald.co.nz, is today launching a nation-wide appeal for Christchurch earthquake victims.
Victims of Saturday's earthquake share their stories of survival.
A double-pronged aid effort is getting up a head of steam in Tuvalu this week, as more than 300 New Zealand Defence Force staff descend on the tiny nation north of Fiji and nearly 4000km from New Zealand.
Humanitarian help has become a huge industry, buffering corrupt regimes and perpetuating war, claims the author of a new book.
Jos has become an explosive fault line between the country's Muslim-dominated north and predominantly Christian south.