The financial risks of buying an unfinished home
There are good deals to be had but buyers warned of potential dangers.
There are good deals to be had but buyers warned of potential dangers.
Running fees are an annual $147,935 according to the Colliers’ information memorandum.
Sale price the third lowest so far this year.
Abandoned house and faulty build were in demand in the auction rooms.
Experts on what would bring a halt to the slump and why we shouldn’t expect a GFC wipeout.
Interest in buying homes is climbing.
Family at the heart of Barfoot & Thompson.
In six weeks, 872 new units will be finished, boosting non-CBD apartment stock to 21,476.
'Potentially an opportunity to also lease the floors with the existing soft fit-out.'
Flood victims get more support in Australia.
Two families put money aside for five years to mark the massive business milestone.
These places have stayed hot while rest of the market has cooled.
Lifestyle block sells for $4.6m - $2m above its CV.
Meet the agents selling the most houses on a single street.
Eight bidders compete for 1970s South Auckland home.
Bungalow in Auckland's Sandringham takes a hit.
Troubled entertainment hub inspired by sci-fi classics once raked in $9m a year in rent.
Stylish home in rich-lister enclave has a 2021 CV of $3.9m.
Compare some of the best home loans on offer from NZ lenders.
Victim tells court her former partner's 'perfect public image' made her 'feel sick'.
High inflation, food prices make less dramatic rent increases surprising, landlord says.
More and more people will realise that rates have almost certainly peaked.
Our First Home star Jono Frankle says buying at the right price is the key to success.
Katikati house has an asking price of $1.35m.
Council officer noted chasms and fissures around the cliff and an area close to the house.
Leasehold property picked up for $71,000.
Cheapest and most expensive neighbourhoods among those to watch.
Sites bought at peak prices by smaller players are feeling the squeeze.
She bought the house soon after winning the 2013 Man Booker Prize.
Not every affordable property needs to be a do-up or a studio apartment.