Flood victims' Facebook page 'desecrated'
Internet trolls have defaced a Facebook site paying tribute to the victims of the Queensland floods.
Internet trolls have defaced a Facebook site paying tribute to the victims of the Queensland floods.
Toowoomba boy Jordan Rice, 13, has been remembered as a hero after he let his younger brother be rescued first.
Back on January 1 authorities said Queensland was facing a flood of "biblical proportions". Now, almost two weeks later, and it's hard to fathom that the "worst is yet to come" as unprecedented flooding hits the drought ravaged region.
A Kiwi living in Brisbane described the city as total chaos yesterday as people were evacuated.
The death toll from flooding in Queensland is expected to rise, says Premier Anna Bligh.
'Oh my God, I'm being swept away, come and get me,' was the last thing a NZ woman heard from her son, phoning from floodwaters.
Bystanders watched in horror as a woman only centimetres from her rescuer lost her grip on a power pole and disappeared under a torrent of dirty water during flash floods in Queensland.
Brisbane CBD has been shut down as workers flee rising floodwaters, while five more bodies have been found in the Lockyer Valley, according to a report, bringing the toll from the Toowoomba flash floods to 11.
Whole families are unaccounted for after flash floods in southern Queensland, with eight confirmed dead and Premier Anna Bligh warning the toll could rise dramatically.
Authorities expect to find more bodies in Queensland communities torn apart by flash floods that have so far killed eight people and left 72 missing.
At least eight are dead and 72 unaccounted for after a wall of water rushed through the Australian city of Toowoomba.
A quick wrap of how the Queensland media is reporting the devastating effects of the floods across the state.
New Zealand international striker Shane Smeltz will resume playing for Queensland's Gold Coast United in the A-League.
The devastating Queensland floods are now threatening the state's largest city, Brisbane, where the city council is offering sandbags to residents in low-lying parts of the city.
The floodwaters that have isolated towns, forced thousands from their homes, and devastated crops and industry appear to have peaked.
Queensland residents are about to begin the monumental task of cleaning up their properties as floodwaters start to recede.
Queensland is losing up to $131m a day in coal exports over floods which have left 40 towns isolated or partly underwater.
Devastating flooding in Queensland has affected more than 200,000 people in a disaster zone bigger than New South Wales.
Twenty three Queensland towns and cities are now affected in a disaster zone larger than the size of New South Wales.
The damage from the Queensland floods is so extensive it will affect the international economy...
A nine-year-old Auckland boy survived going over a 20m waterfall in Queensland.
New Zealand will send a Civil Defence emergency response team to flood-ravaged Queensland.