Lockdown wipes funding for Auckland transport projects
The level 4 lockdown will have a significant impact on the $4.4 City Rail Link.
The level 4 lockdown will have a significant impact on the $4.4 City Rail Link.
A student at Green Bay High school has tested positive for Covid-19.
CRL boss Sean Sweeney said the lockdown will have a significant impact on the project.
The plan is expected to result in less use of automobiles.
The council will be limited in what transport projects it can do, says Desley Simpson.
Trackless trams are not the cheap and easy option for mass transit that some people claim.
Alarm bells have rung at Audit NZ about the huge funding hole.
Dominion Rd businesses are deeply worried light rail will destroy their livelihoods.
Auckland's ferry services are due for a shakeup with new contracts and new vessels.
The speeding driver tried to leave on foot after crashing into a traffic light and car.
OPINION: The walking and cycling bridge was doomed from the start.
The ruling confirms bus drivers working split shifts are entitled to more breaks.
Grant Robertson has hinted at scrapping the $785m bike bridge.
Grant Robertson wants the Government to speed up work on another Waitematā crossing.
Light rail is an idea whose time has passed, says Sir Michael Cullen.
PM is asked to act quickly and treat businesses fairly by broken restaurant owner.
The new deal brings an end to six months of tension and acrimony.
Auckland Mayor Phil Goff has written to Ministers complaining about Kiwirail.
One keen cyclist has called the bike facility a white elephant.
Bus interchanges will be built at Te Atatū and Lincoln Rd.
Meet the cycleways with 10 times better value for money than Auckland's new bridge
'Step this way for airport bus link' - stairs marked at expanded bus/train station
Transport Minister Michael Wood accused of doing nothing to help struggling businesses.
Antony Ariano says political games are messing with people's lives.
Upgraded station connects buses and trains: 10 to 12-minute bus ride to the airport.
Lorraine says her driver's licence was used in a case of stolen identity, to her horror.
Comment: Wellington is at risk of becoming a museum if heritage advocates have their way.
Passengers watched in shock as their carriage slowly broke off from the rest of the train.
Bike Auckland wants a three-month cycling trial on the Auckland Harbour Bridge.