Latest fromPublic Transport
Bus pass holders face financial hit over dispute
Monthly and weekly bus pass holders could be out of pocket tomorrow as Auckland's bus lock-out goes ahead.
Company, union stand firm on buses
A lockout is expected to put 700 buses off the road and disrupt travel plans of up to 80,000 Aucklanders tomorrow.
Bus drivers dispute set to cause chaos on Thursday
Hundreds of Auckland buses are likely to be running late as bus drivers work-to-rule on Thursday.
Bus drivers in pay row to work-to-rule
Hundreds of Auckland buses could be late as bus drivers work-to-rule on Thursday.
Bus company taking pay dispute to ERA
NZ Bus are taking its pay dispute with its drivers and cleaners to the Employment Relations Authority, saying the gap between the parties is "widening".
Bus drivers increase pay claim
Auckland bus drivers increased their wage demands at a meeting with NZ Bus today.
Tokyo cracks down on train gropers
In what is being described as "groping prevention week," Tokyo police have begun a week-long crackdown against the scourge of gropers on commuter trains.
Meeting as bus disruption looms
Thousands of Auckland bus users could still be disrupted by strike action if a meeting between unions and NZ Bus does not end in agreement this afternoon.