'Living hell': Family lived in tents after rental damaged in fire
A Tauranga mum and her three kids lived in a tent at their rental, but still paid rent.
A Tauranga mum and her three kids lived in a tent at their rental, but still paid rent.
The victim was found dead with her right arm still holding the curtain ajar.
Lawyer censured and fined after costly litigation for friends and neighbours.
Ngātea man Adrian Phillips is accused of murdering Bayden Williams in August 2020.
Northland physio Skye Renes denied Supreme Court appeal against ACC fraud convictions.
More than 150 court staff have been busted for looking through court records.
Judge: 'It was lucky no one was injured... she was out of control with a tomahawk.'
The eight-year long wait for an inquest into the death of Shaun Gray began today.
Defence counsel asks jury whether they can recall what they were doing 40-50 years ago.
Judge Greg Davis calls repeat drink-driver out on his excuses for endangering the public.
Judge rules in favour of former editor left with substantial repair bill for leaky home.
The former private investigator claimed to be a gullible person.
Te Whitinga Mark Huirua brought shame and a loss of mana to his iwi after losing $3.1m.
The woman was found dead at her New Plymouth home and the man now remains in a facility.
When rescued from the parked car, the 3-year-old girl was drenched in sweat.
Coroners have highlighted the dangers of impaired driving in their latest findings.
Children hid their pocket money and asked, 'When will the bad man be back?'
The maximum income thresholds for legal aid are being lifted, but some say not by enough.
The horse trainer made and presented a fake vaccine pass to race officials.
The man would use his sister's bank account to avoid detection.
A man who attacked his flatmate moments before ending his life was psychotic at the time.
The father is now fighting for residency in a bid to keep his family together.
The woman complained about her co-workers's conduct for several weeks.
Instead of putting it back in the sea, he drove it 45 minutes to Palmerston North.
The dealer initially refused to help the man who bought the car one month earlier.
The high-flying Aussie politico locked up for reclaiming Tauranga Harbour is back in court
While she lay motionless, he opened one of the cans, and threw it at her.
A man caught with over 11,000 child abuse images will be getting the help he needs.
Pet dog was allegedly suffocated to death on a New Plymouth street.
Couple who dished out flyers are artist Nikki Romney and former journalist Alan Clarke.