'Stupidity of you': Landlord who sent nasty texts to tenant ordered to pay $6k
A landlord lost control, sending abusive text messages to her tenant.
A landlord lost control, sending abusive text messages to her tenant.
The Racing Integrity Board agreed the dog ingested arsenic from licking stained wood.
A diver who drowned while diving above a shipwreck was likely disoriented by fish.
She imparts her rich Indian cultural knowledge to her grandchildren, a tribunal said.
Justice Simon France presided over Ewen Macdonald trial for murder, Mark Lundy retrial.
Allan Halse attempted to take a long-running employment legal battle to the Supreme Court.
Guy Greenslade failed the typing three times and was banned from reapplying to the police.
Judge Gordon Matenga says he will not send young burglar to jail.
Geneva Patea was due to be sentenced this week but failed to appear.
The Ministry for Culture and Heritage claims the money wasn't wasted on consultants.
It was a 'major departure from the standard of care expected of a reasonable person'.
Employee who suffered distress, anxiety and worry after being fired wins compensation.
One victim is extra cautious now while the other woman is uncomfortable in a bikini.
The woman walked out of a supermarket with a trolley full of groceries without paying.
She drank beer and tequila and was behind the wheel while more than five times the limit.
The HDC considered the failures of staff demonstrated a pattern of 'suboptimal care'.
The student said it was 'all in fun' and that he was unharmed.
Clash over boundary trees: Tall shelterbelt in residential area neither fence nor hedge.
The tenant was entitled to quiet enjoyment of her home without disturbance - tribunal.
The man said he didn't know he had to pay the $12k bill for duty and GST on the stash.
The man was between 11 and 16 when he repeatedly sexually assaulted three girls.
TCDC failed to do due diligence on operator with a poor safety record.
Jungbin Son relied on his job to remain in New Zealand.
Man stuck in detention centre says it's the price he'll pay to be near his daughter.
One victim was pushed off his bike, punched, and kicked by the group.
Judge tells couple violence in their relationship 'needs to be a thing of the past'.
Burglar Mark Simon was jailed for seven years. Two alleged co-offenders remain at large.
The victim agreed to let the homeless man sleep on the couch but he came into her bed.
A case involving alleged bullying behaviour at St Peter's Cambridge was heard at the ERA.
Overstayers trying to apply for visas to stay in New Zealand had their visas put at risk.