Man skipped bail for alleged drug-dealing in Mongolia, allowed to stay in NZ
If he returned to Mongolia there was a likelihood he would be tortured.
If he returned to Mongolia there was a likelihood he would be tortured.
But the attacker claims he has since 'found the Lord' and is genuinely remorseful.
The prisoner was charged with attacking the bird, which had to be put down.
Advertising complaint board members unanimous that ad is misleading
He admitted assaulting a child in 2008. Then he tried to quash it.
But he has since been banned from the halls and dropped his studies.
Laken Watene's body has never been recovered.
He has now been censured and ordered to pay a fine for the misconduct.
Barry Madden preyed on three children for more than three decades.
Criminal 'seized upon the tragedy' of the pandemic as a 'money-making opportunity'.
He raped the teen three times and had his associates film part of the act.
Teina Pickering was found dead on a Ruakākā road in October last year.
A judge says the tragedy was characterised by impulsiveness and recklessness.
Anthony Pearce, who also stabbed a man in the neck, has argued against his sentence.
He was caught with thousands of images and videos of child exploitation material.
Christian Herbulot's death prompted a coroner to recommend a law change.
Livai Nuku survived the crash he caused, but suffered a traumatic brain injury.
The woman has now been stripped of her teaching registration and ordered to pay $40k.
Saurbh Sharma couldn't explain why 'how to delete Tesla recordings' was on his phone.
Young Auckland barrister Shubham Kaur died in the fiery 2022 crash.
The teen was on a programme for at-risk youth when he fatally stabbed Adrian Humphreys.
The 59yo victim was controlled by his killer who regularly beat the man.
The teen was on a programme for at-risk youth when he fatally stabbed Adrian Humphreys.
A young ram-raider said he was "happy to do [his] lag".
Attacker waited for her victim to return home, then stabbed her in the back.
'The message clearly isn’t getting through and the deterrent is probably not high enough.'
Accused argued he was clearing a fallen tree – but a judge didn't buy it.
Stephen Rendell says police wouldn't release data that could have helped him in court.
Police say the consequences for the men accused were significant.
Keely-Shaye Albert had never held a licence and was driving on a private road.