UK family say their dream of a better life here turned into tenancy nightmare
The family won $18,000 in damages at the Tenancy Tribunal. The landlord wants a rehearing.
The family won $18,000 in damages at the Tenancy Tribunal. The landlord wants a rehearing.
Knives, homemade tasers and knuckledusters were among seized items.
She was stabbed repeatedly in the face, upper torso and abdomen by a man in her home.
The vehicle was damaged while later being towed and an $11k claim by the owner followed.
Judith Webby has a long history of upsetting flatmates, and home- and pet-owners.
Shama Nisha says her human rights victory has paved the way for Muslim women in NZ.
The woman had kids in the car when she ploughed into the back of Raymond Mathews.
The children needed medical assistance but the parents failed to take them.
A judge said it was psychological abuse but the offender's moral culpability was limited.
She narrowly missed the sleeping elderly couple's bedroom and cannot pay for the damage.
The boy died in November following an alleged assault.
The Court of Appeal has taken the siblings' wishes into account in making its decision.
Jason Barton didn't stop driving despite the tyres being spiked and police following him.
He had installed a new propeller two hours before the accident.
Judge addresses supporters: 'How am I the only one who’s angry about this?'
The Crown said Raveen Saily had 'warped attitudes around sexual consent'.
The judge wants further information before convicting him on child assault charges.
Lance Hall fatally stabbed father-of-two Jason McNae at an apartment complex.
Police found meth and cannabis on Kevin Bishell after they pulled him over for speeding.
The 20-year-old was not long out of jail when he robbed a bottle store.
Parsons abducted and raped a 12-year-old before taking her clothes for cross-dressing.
The then 16-year-old claims she consented out of fear. Sonny Tau was 63 at the time.
Drink-driving: 'Do not do it ... and do everything you can to stop anyone else.'
When a woman escaped her ex, she'd been burnt, strangled, and stomped on.
Victims seek apology; Judge says harm caused to children is 'extraordinary'.
One of Bobby Moana's victims has forgiven him and wants to meet.
Tre Araia claims he's also been a victim of his mother Gina Potae's dishonesty offending.
Brownie Harding is now eligible for parole but is refusing to take part in a rehab course.
They were convicted under anti-money-laundering law for moving $53m for a businessman.
Chris Schwartz has also been sending disgruntled customers pictures of excrement.