'I could just see her blood pressure drop': Son's final moments with dying mum
Now, 13 years on, a coroner will decide how Carmen Walker died during a medical procedure.
Now, 13 years on, a coroner will decide how Carmen Walker died during a medical procedure.
Judge: 'There was a real possibility you could have been shot by police.'
The jury heard closing arguments and will return on Monday to deliberate.
Kate Carter narrowly avoided jail for duping a Fonterra company out of more than $720k.
The man was described as "respectful" by his pastor but the judge disagreed.
Warrick Harris 'should have known better' when he trawled in the prohibited zone 19 times.
The mother of one victim was told he wasn't going to make it - he proved them wrong.
The man heated shears on a kitchen element then threatened to cut off the victim's toe.
'I have very real concerns that you don't appear to accept what you’ve done.'
The homeowner tried to take her life from the emotional stress caused by the poor work.
Scam artist pays $50,000 to court after judge gives jail warning.
An exasperated judge has asked when this type of offending will come to an end.
An abusive relationship led Danielle Tumahai to drugs and a conviction.
A judge said it was one of the most serious family harm matters he'd seen in a long time.
Transport agency slammed by tenancy tribunal for renting out sub-standard home to family.
His mother told the judge: 'I love my son but not the wrong that he does'.
The American pitbull cross' owner agreed to have the dog put down afterwards.
Judge hearing case expresses sympathy to family for 'terrible event'.
"I thought she was flirting with me,"
The constable suffered significant injuries, including broken facial bones.
Khances Mahara-Sunnex suffered his injury when landing badly after jumping a fence.
“Now I’m going to tie you up, chop you up and kill you.”
'He held the pipe to the victims’ mouths and applied the flame, causing them to inhale.'
But Benjamin Sweeney's part in death of Anthony Bell has meant he'll stay behind bars.
Corey Aldridge also raped her brother and another boy.
Addicted to synthetic cannabis, he was sent to a care home near a 'tinny house'.
The man was accused of sexually assaulting his partner’s teenage daughter.
The man claims his affair with his niece was consensual.
Alan Reay's lawyer says "no need for accountability", "no public interest” in pursuing it.
Shannon Avery was one of three who held the group at the house for several hours.