Schizophrenia or drug-induced psychosis? What led to man's brutal homicide on rural driveway
Defence claims schizophrenia but the Crown argues drug-induced psychosis.
Defence claims schizophrenia but the Crown argues drug-induced psychosis.
CCTV blind spot crucial in Whangārei trial; jury to decide between self-defence or murder.
The woman argued it was a 'one-off mistake' and she should not have been fired.
Wire Reddington's psychosis worsened without medication before the alleged murder.
John Skinner has been denied parole for the 2008 murder of Sergeant Don Wilkinson.
She claims they raped her in separate rooms of a property housing seasonal workers.
A pathologist confirmed Jason McNae's heart disease sped up his death.
Judge Lawson: The intentional damage shows a pattern of behaviour towards former partners.
Mafi's family devastated: "He was taken from us, our son was robbed."
But he didn't realise the owners were watching on a camera and had called the police.
The branch failed to supervise two agents who failed to disclose a builder's report.
The judge dealt with the RSE worker 'expediently' to avoid any burden on the NZ taxpayer.
Defence claims Wire Reddington's schizophrenia could support an insanity defence.
HDC: 'Onus is on the support worker to behave in a professional manner.'
Suzanne Petitt's lawyer says it was just a request for compo for a stolen car.
The court found a 50/50 spilt of their property would be 'repugnant to justice'.
Far North Council CEO Blair King said he felt 'isolated' and lodged a PG in 2022.
Brian Borland told a jury they should find him guilty...so they did.
The man who shot an unarmed man he thought had come to kill him, can now be named.
Judge Tini Clark: "Their silence does not mean they forgot".
'It snuck up behind us and started attacking my dog' - owner of injured Shih Tzu-cross.
Lance Hall allegedly stabbed father-of-two Jason McNae in the neck with some scissors.
2 Cheap Cars has now admitted it didn't do the battery repairs it said it had.
Now a judge has described one of the women involved as a menace to the community.
Jason McNae died in the hospital. The defence claims it was self-defence.
The Court of Appeal has however ordered a retrial for Stephen Stone.
Judge: 'Had you done this right, you probably would have got the inheritance anyway.'
Jamie Gill was drinking with the siblings before his body was found in a paddock.
Now he's been fined after netting $326,000 in a deal he hid from the vendor and his boss.
Natasha Birchfield dragged the victim out of bed by the hair, then bit her arm and eyelid.