Binge-drinking police officers breached code of conduct
Boozing police drank out of vessel fashioned to look like a riot control baton.
Boozing police drank out of vessel fashioned to look like a riot control baton.
Beleaguered battler for workers' rights loses bid for judicial review of ERA decisions.
Youth walks free from another 10 charges due to delayed psychological report.
'There is no honour in what you did', Kelly Cook tells man who killed her husband.
Vaughan Sexton wants legislative changes to ensure children are protected in the future.
A tenant was paid $500 by landlord Wellington City Council over inaction of complaints.
Tenant made a number of complaints but Kāinga Ora said there was no mould at the property.
Court clears way for owners of apartments in leaky, quake-damaged building to move on.
Prosecution brought by Ministry of Health in case of alleged impersonation.
John Kina Edwards was jailed for six and a half years for DJ Grant's death.
A man who killed a woman in front of her children has been jailed for 17 years.
He also breached his release conditions.
Prison director says exceptional circumstances needed for guard to send inmate's email.
During his shift, he also consumed four alcoholic drinks without paying for them.
The man has now been jailed for "determined, predatory and pre-meditated" violence.
501 jobseeker says: 'You have got to get a job, you have got to do something productive.'
Sentence a 'reward' for man with 100-plus convictions who joined rehab programme.
Earlier in the month he shattered the glass at a bus-stop with a hammer.
He drove drunk twice in two days and then again months later. But that's only the latest.
Man who killed sheep by running over it with his ute says he's 'not a cruel person'.
Petr Mandik died during a rockfall while climbing Aoraki/Mt Cook.
Rapist Mark Chisnall has had an order potentially keeping him in custody for life removed.
Muslim man granted refugee status after fearing for his wellbeing in India.
The witness said he became a prospect for the gang.
The victims were 14 and drunk when the teens had sex with them on separate occasions.
Mr A was diagnosed with terminal cancer that may have been avoided with follow-up care.
The social worker went on to leave her husband for the woman she used to treat.
Husband and wife school counsellors allowed to sue board for PTSD over student suicides.
The pair will continue to serve their sentence behind bars.
Pryor Lee survived the crash and a night outdoors but died in hospital the next day.