Pregnant woman punched elderly motorist through his car window
She felt he had driven too close to her and her family at the supermarket.
She felt he had driven too close to her and her family at the supermarket.
Man faces 26 charges, including 16 of committing an indecent act on a young person.
He was on parole for rape, only to rape again. Now his lengthy prison term has expired.
Inquiry found junior registrar gave sedative without consulting senior clinicians.
Two years after a soldier complained she was groped by her superior NZDF has laid charges.
"The decision to feed your kids over going to court is not a difficult one."
Tenants ignored a $1068 bill for repairs to a toilet after they flushed a flannel down it.
The victim lost four teeth and suffered a fractured skull.
Hughes said he attempted to murder the teen but nine years later he says he made that up.
Company had already spent $400,000 cleaning up the spill, and gets $112,000 fine.
The 21-year-old victim had been at a park playing loud Samoan music and singing.
Carl Hayman told police he was depressed, grieving and suffering early onset dementia.
Logan Westbury had sex with a 13-year-old who he believed was his girlfriend.
Leigh Beer, 31, has been accused of killing Emma Field on May 27.
The man has now admitted to being an accessory in the death of Rei Marshall.
Fishermen fined, boat forfeited after pair lie about why they had more fish than allowed.
The pilot felt the plane rocking, then saw a man on the wing before the blows rained down.
A fight to get his classic car back led the client to a $16,000 debt and bankruptcy.
A mother was afraid of being deported to India because she had children out of wedlock.
On one occasion Mein gave his victim a cuddly toy and ring after a sexual encounter.
Lawyer says gang member was caught up in the group offending but watched from the streets.
'You're never quite prepared for it,' - dog control officer attacked by dogs on farm.
Court of Appeal knocks four months off arsonist's jail sentence.
He once shot a man and a dog with a cut-down shotgun. Now he wants to live a 'happy' life.
The man who murdered Constable Matthew Hunt will remain behind bars for at least 27 years.
Tribunal: His offending is bizarre. He succumbed to alcohol, drugs and sexual fantasies.
Police had to smash their way into the apartment.
Court staff declined to act on lawyers, so Christopher O'Neill challenged them to a duel.
Judge: There's a right to protest ... but there's also the reality of the law.
Celebrations by unions short-lived as Uber announces plan to appeal landmark decision.