Five of 10 Rotorua councillors could be getting a near six-figure salary
Find out who is set to get the biggest slice.
Find out who is set to get the biggest slice.
Metal detecting is not allowed on Marlborough's parks and reserves.
Dave Stewart has been spurred by the hate and vitriol directed at Jacinda Ardern.
Residents have been trying for 10 years to get safety improvements.
Residents who have lived in Tauranga for more than 10 years were the least satisfied.
She says moving her family to Australia last week was her only option.
He believes green space will be lost if a marine research facility is built there.
A local MP says it's an 'iconic' building that cannot be lost.
The number of people waiting for non-acute elective operations continues to grow.
Councillor claims Xi Jinping and Robert Mugabe 'would be very proud' of mayor's calls.
“Frankly, it’s been a bit of a shambles,” says a disgruntled Whakatāne councillor.
Two students became trapped in a cave after rough swells knocked them from their kayak.
'You will be part of this whare as long as this whare stands.'
'We have heard you, we have listened and we are taking action,' mayor says.
Housing Minister Megan Woods was due in Rotorua for the signing.
More south Aucklanders are waiting more than four months for first specialist appointment.
Rob Campbell says a recent visit gave him a first-hand insight.
Rotorua's council will consider the agreement on Thursday.
What will it take to fix Rotorua's - and New Zealand's - housing crisis?
'It’s no secret we’ve got some pothole issues at the moment.'
Its removal will cost about $50,000, seven years after the full installation cost $442k.
A $270 million hole in Auckland's first budget needs filling somehow.
The family of a 24-year-old man allege he was assaulted after refusing to take medication.
RotoruaNZ says motels attracting out-of-towners only exacerbate emergency housing issues.
Cabinet has still not seen the business case for a $56 million flood protection scheme.
Local Government Minister has pledged to offer the Three Waters sector some certainty.
Council has no clarity on the status of the lower Waiau River flood protection project.
The woman died after she left the hospital's ED because of a very long wait time.
Fleeing was an impulsive move that has been attributed to the driver's autism.
There was uproar at a community hui on a water bottling consent granted in Whanganui.