Bin removal stings: Dog walker 'disgusted' after carrying pooch's poo for 5km
It removed its bins to deter wasps at a popular Rotorua lake.
It removed its bins to deter wasps at a popular Rotorua lake.
Mayor Faylene Tunui described Saturday as “a rough day”.
Views sought on plan to stop invasive seaweeds devastating Northland's eastern harbours,
Councillor 'comfortable this is a sensible approach'.
Highly invasive seaweed major threat to Northland's east coast harbours.
'We ask people to please only flush the three P’s'
The manta ray is making its move to overtake smaller competitors in Fish of the Year.
There have been 15 incidents of antisocial behaviour at He Puna Manawa library in Tauranga
“We need to give councils the power to make the right decisions for our mokopuna.”
Development of the parks will take place this year and next.
Commissioners feel proposed increased fees to facilities aren't high enough.
'It’s not just the air pollution, it's the congestion and all of that.'
Alcohol sale hours could become standardised across the region if the policy is adopted.
'Everyone suddenly turned on their own little patch.'
The council has come under pressure to eradicate the pest plant from an escarpment.
'If you’re going to go and destroy other assets you need to have a good reason.'
How close the city came to flooding when Edgecumbe did has accelerated the works.
'What’s really caused the issue here has been the storm surge.'
The deputy mayor will be the highest paid, a decision the mayor defended.
The council has signed off plans for a $3.6m destination skatepark.
Staff leave the industry and head across the Tasman for better pay and conditions.
Impounded dogs whose owners are awaiting court date can no longer be visited in Tauranga.
Find out who is set to get the biggest slice.
Metal detecting is not allowed on Marlborough's parks and reserves.
Dave Stewart has been spurred by the hate and vitriol directed at Jacinda Ardern.
Residents have been trying for 10 years to get safety improvements.
Residents who have lived in Tauranga for more than 10 years were the least satisfied.
She says moving her family to Australia last week was her only option.
He believes green space will be lost if a marine research facility is built there.
A local MP says it's an 'iconic' building that cannot be lost.