
Jailed property developer says sorry
A spokesman for the jailed South Korean developer says "personal" issues should not hinder or harm any of the business interests left behind here.
A spokesman for the jailed South Korean developer says "personal" issues should not hinder or harm any of the business interests left behind here.
New Zealand is on a list of the top 10 most searched for countries by Chinese house-hunters, figures compiled from China's largest property search engine reveal.
Auckland landlords are making more capital gains off their rental properties than those elsewhere, a trend predicted to speed up in the next few years.
International investors with a total of US$2 trillion ($2.34 trillion) in funds have put New Zealand in their top-10 list of Asia-Pacific real estate investment targets.
Choice Hotels, which operates in 40 New Zealand locations, is looking for seven to eight new properties worth $40 million to $50 million this year.
A former chief executive of Bluechip and director Viaduct Capital Nick Wevers has died and criminal charges filed against him have now been withdrawn.
Reserve Bank governor Graeme Wheeler has signalled an aggressive, front-loaded start to the interest rate cycle now under way.
The $1.6 billion landlord Precinct Properties expects to start redeveloping its Downtown Shopping Centre site in Auckland's CBD above the new Central Rail Link in two years.
A new book is out to help landlords, with a series of forms ranging from notices to increase rent to a dog clause document.
The value of New Zealand investment buildings sold last year was back to pre-global financial crash levels.
An 8.6 per cent stake in giant listed landlord and Sylvia Park owner Kiwi Income Property Trust is now in play.
The next big financial disaster to hit New Zealand investors could involve a collapse in house prices or the sharemarket, says departing investment watchdog boss Sean Hughes.
A financier has sold 65 Quay Park apartments and eight shops and offices on Maori land to a developer in a multimillion-dollar deal.
Rules slash number of low-deposit mortgages but house buyers still encouraged to ask.
The ground floor of the first block of Auckland apartments to rise since the global financial crisis is due to be poured on Saturday.
Much-publicised, long awaited changes to Auckland's canyon-like Federal St car rat run.
Finance companies could make a comeback in the wake of the Reserve Bank's clampdown on low deposit lending by banks.
Experts say tighter mortgage lending rules will only a partially ease house prices, writes Jamie Gray.
A four-bedroom home in Epsom has sold for more than $1 million - or 82 per cent - above valuation.
The Government has set a deadline of 20 years for assessing 193,000 buildings for earthquake risk and strengthening them.
The board and investors in NZX-listed Goodman Property Trust struck an upbeat note at yesterday's annual meeting in Auckland.
My partner and I have been living in Australia since the start of the year because we can save more here than we could ever in New Zealand for a house.
Luxury retailer Saks has agreed to sell itself to Hudson's Bay Co, the Canadian parent of upscale retailer Lord & Taylor, for about US$2.4 billion.
Plans by the Labour Party to exclude foreign buyers from the housing market have sparked more calls for restrictions and warnings about the risk of damaging the country's relationships with its major trading partners.
It's risky policy for a liberal, left-of-centre party because it leaves them open to accusations of xenophobia, writes Liam Dann.