Helpers told, beware exploding whales
Twenty pilot whales have beached themselves again and will be euthanised, DoC said, as volunteers are warned to be careful around decomposing whales.
Twenty pilot whales have beached themselves again and will be euthanised, DoC said, as volunteers are warned to be careful around decomposing whales.
All 100 of the surviving beached whales at Farewell Spit have been successfully refloated as volunteers scrambled to stop another pod swimming into shore.
Emotional scenes as whale rescue volunteers sang to and even named many of the pilot whales stranded - and those refloated - on Farewell Spit.
Volunteers desperately trying to save 100 surviving whales that have beached on Farewell Spit are being warned about the risk of sharks in the water.
Hope for survivors of one of NZ's largest ever whale strandings is "slowly slipping away".
A whale rescue expert is critical Department of Conservation crews didn't act sooner in last night's devastating whale stranding.
This week, the Herald takes a look at Kiwis who are dedicated to helping our animals. Today Jamie Morton talks to Project Jonah's Daren Glover.
Locals were unable to save whale that repeatedly stranded on popular beach.
Rescuers were hard at work in Browns Bay, Auckland on Saturday getting a stranded whale back into the water.
The Department of Conservation has confirmed that the decision has been made to euthanise the remaining 16 whales who became stranded at Farewell Spit.
A critically endangered Bryde's whale has washed up dead on Motuihe Island in the Hauraki Gulf.
A whale that washed up last week around 40km north of Muriwai beach on Auckland's west coast will be left to rot, the Department of Conservation says.
DoC was forced to end the misery of seven whales that re-beached themselves at Rarawa Bay.
Eleven pilot whales have been successfully transported and refloated at Matai Bay after a mass stranding on Karikari Beach near Kaitaia yesterday.
The number of whales to have perished on Karikari beach has now reached 44 - but rescuers are trying to save 14 survivors.