Facebook to allow users to hide their indiscretions
The days of fretting over whether your new employer might find all those embarrassing drunken photos on Facebook are coming to an end.
The days of fretting over whether your new employer might find all those embarrassing drunken photos on Facebook are coming to an end.
Concerns about the implications of evolving technology are reflected in a spike in the number of complaints to the Privacy Commission.
A major elderly care operator has accused health authorities of a "witch hunt" over the closure of a rest home.
A proposed law would allow dog control officers to install surveillance devices in homes and the Commerce Commission to detain people, a watchdog warns.
The Privacy Commissioner has warned MPs that a proposed law widening authorities' powers of search and surveillance needs more safeguards.
A NZ citizen of Middle Eastern origin says he is discriminated against by Customs officials who interrogate every time he returns home.
New Zealanders can now insure their most personal asset in the country's first identity theft insurance scheme.
A photograph agency is suing former All Black Byron Kelleher's clothing company for alleged copyright breaches.
The man behind a new website that names and shames bad debtors has been revealed as a convicted money launderer.
Paula Bennett is prepared to say sorry for the release of private income details of two solo mothers if a Privacy Act complaint is upheld.
A woman who mistakenly accessed another customer's account is irate that the BNZ disclosed her personal details so the man could resolve the matter.